Dr. Rasheda Yasmin Shilpi Professor, Department of Botany
Microbiology, Microbial genetics, Molecular biology, Virology, Immunology, cell and tissue culture, Plant Science
1. Mohammad Zakerin Abedin*, Mst. Maisha Musarrat, Laila Jarin, Farjana Akter Koly, SamiaSultana, Samim Mia, Mst. Nadia Afrin, Md. Khairujjaman, Md. Babul Aktar, Muhammad IrfanulIslam, Rehnuma Nasim, Mohammad Omar Faruque, Md Easin Arfat, Fahmida Anjum, Syeda MiskatMantasha, Fatema Tuz Zohora, Abdullah Aktar Ahmed and Rasheda Yasmin Shilpi 2022. Prevalence and Multidrug Resistant Patterns of Candida sp. isolated from Selected Rural Diabetics and Non-Diabetic Populations, Sirajganj, Bangladesh Biomedical Science Ergo an Open Access Journal of Philosophy 4(6):2152-2159
2. S. M. Rokon-Ud-Doula, Nazia Afrin*, Md. Maniruzzaman Sikder and Rasheda Yasmin Shilpi. 2022. Medicinal plants available in local markets contaminated with human pathogenic bacteria - Bacillus cereus and Pseudomonas gessardii. Asian J. Med. Biol. Res., 8 (2), 69-78 https://doi.org/10.3329/ajmbr.v8i2. 2022].
3. Mohammad Zakerin Abedin, Pranab Karmaker, Mala Khan, Rasheda Yasmin Shilpi. 2022.Assessment of Bacterial Contaminants and Nutritional Profiles of Mung Bean Sprouts (Vigna radiate L) South Asian Journal of Research in Microbiology, Page 49-60
DOI: 10.9734/sajrm/2022/v12i330275Published: 18 May 2022
4. Mohammad Zakerin Abedin, Rubait Hasan, Md. Sadiqur Rahman, Laila Jarin, Rasheda Yasmin Shilpi, Rokibul Islam, Md. Ataur Rahman 2021.Detachment, distinguishing proof of bacterial pathogens from infected Shing (Heteropneustes fossilis) cultured in freshwater ponds in Bangladesh.Int. J. Biomol. & Biomed. 12(3), 10-16, June 2021.
5. Zakerin, A., Md. SifatUz Zaman, Fayez Ahmed, Farida Yeasmin, Md. Babul Aktar, Rasheda Yasmin Shilpi, & Abdullah Akhtar Ahmed. 2021. Bacteriological profile and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of symptomatic bloodstream infection in Dhaka City. BioSight, 2(1), 13–17. https://biosight.org/index.php/bios/article/view/25
6. Mohammad Zakerin Abedin, Farida Yeasmin Samim Mi, Hasanul Bari Helal, Rasheda Yasmin Shilpi. 2020. Bacteriological profile and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of symptomatic Urinary Tract Infection among patients of different age groups in a tertiary care hospital of Bangladesh Moroccan J. Biol. 17 (2020): 59-66
7. Mohammad Z Abedin, Md. Babul Aktar, Md. Sifat Uz Zaman, Laila Jarin, Md. Abdus S Miah, Abdullah A Ahmed, Rubait Hasan, Md. Khairujjaman, Rabiul Islam, Md. Ekhlas Uddin, Rasheda Y Shilpi. 2020. Predominance of Nosocomial Pathogens among Patients with Post-Operative Wound Infections and Evaluation of the Antibiotic Susceptibility Patterns in Rural Hospitals in Bangladesh. Recent Adv Biol Med; 6(4): 9800005. https://doi.org/10.18639/RABM.2020.9800005
8. Mahmood, R., Afrin, N., Jolly, S.N. and Shilpi, R.Y. 2020. Isolation and Identification of Cellulose-Degrading Bacteria from Different Types of Samples. World Journal of Environmental Biosciences. 9(2): 8-13
9. Afruza Begum, Rasheda Yasmin Shilpi, Arefin Haque. 2020. Isolation and identification of salt tolerant bacteria available in different depths of soil in Sundarbans mangrove forest Bangladesh, International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences. Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci.7 (5): 40-56
10. Afrin, N., Jolly, S.N. and Shilpi, R.Y. 2019. Bacteriological study of some common dried spices and nuts of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Botany. 48(3): 595-601.
11. Umma Mayda, Nazia Tasmin, Rasheda Yasmin Shilpi. 2019. Characterization of rhizospheric and non rhizospheric bacteria from arsenic contaminated soil Jahangirnagar University. Journal of Biological Sciences 88(1):9-15 DOI: 10.3329/jujbs.v8i1.42463
12. Afrin, N., Doula, S.M.R.U. and Shilpi, R.Y. 2018. Detection of pathogenic bacteria from raw, pasteurized and UHT milk available in the local market of Gazipur District. Jahangirnagar University Journal of Biological Science. 7(2): 13-19.
13. Brishty, I.E.A., Afrin, N., Tasnim, N., Jolly, S.N. and Shilpi, R.Y. 2018. Bacterial Contamination of Food Samples Sold in Local Market of Savar City, Bangladesh. World Journal of Dairy & Food Sciences.13 (2): 114-120
14. Afrin, N. and Shilpi, R.Y. 2018. Bacteriological quality of dry powder milk available in local markets of Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research. 4 (3): 267-273
15. Mayda, U., Shilpi, R.Y., Taufique, T., Mehraj, H. and Jamaluddin, A.F.M. 2016. Pteris Vittata Inter-Planting for Trapping of Arsenic Accumulation into Potato. International Journal of Bioscience. 8(1): 1-7.
16. U. Mayda, Rasheda Yasmin Shilpi, T. Taufique, H. Mehraj and AFM Jamaluddin.2015. Reduction of arsenic entry into rice from arsenic contaminated soil using Pteris vittata as trap plant. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research (JBAR).4(2). 60-66.
17. AFM JamalUddin, U. Mayda, Rasheda Yasmin Shilpi, T. Taufique and H. Mehraj. 2015. Wheat-Pteris Vittata inter-planting on arsenic contaminated soil to trap arsenic entry into wheat plant. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research (JBAR) vol 05, Issue 01, pp 16-23
18. Rakhee Sachdeva, Yuchang Li, Rasheda Y. Shilpi, Malgorzata Simm. 2015. Human X-DING-CD4 mediates resistance to HIV-1 infection through novel paracrine-like signaling. FEBS J. 282(5), 937-50,
19. Sachdeva, R., Shilpi, R.Y. and Simm, M. 2014. The interplay between the X-DING- CD4, IFN-a and IL-8 gene activity in quiescent and mitogen-or HIV-1 exposed PBMCs from HIV-1 elite controllers, AIDS progressors and HIV- negative controls. Innate immune. 20(2), 173-83.
20. Mst. Nusrat Jahan, Golam Md. Khairuzzaman, FatemaTuzZohora, Md. Anwar Hossain, Rasheda Yasmin Shilpi and Mohammad Ali Akond 2013. Isolation of Sterptomyces and Nocardia strains from straw and compost. Jahangirnagar University journal of Biological sciences. 2(1), 57-64
21. Rasheda Y Shilpi, Rakhee Sachdeva and Malgorzata Simm. 2012. Cellular resistance to HIV-1 infection in target cells coincides with a rapid induction of X-DING-CD4 mRNA; induction of the unique host innate response to virus regulated through function of the X-DING-CD4 gene. Innate Immunity 18(4), 563-570.
22. Anna Ivanova*, Rasheda Y. Shilpi* Rakhee Sachdeva, Malgorzata Simm. 2012. Native X-DING-CD4 protein secreted by HIV-1 resistant CD4+ cells blocks activity of IL-8 promoter in human endothelial cells infected with enteric bacteria. Innate immunity 18(4), 571-579 (*equal contributors)
23. Adam Lesner, Rasheda Shilpi, Anna Ivanova, Mary Ann Gawinowicz, Jacob Lesniak, Dimitar Nikolov, Malgorzata Simm. 2009.Identification of X-DING-CD4, a new member of human DING protein family that is secreted by HIV-1 resistant CD4+ T cells and has anti-viral activity. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (BBRC), 389 (2, 13), 284-289.
24. Prajna Guha, Kawalpreet Aneja, Rasheda Y. Shilpi, and Dipak Haldar. 2009.Transcriptional regulation of mitochondrial glycerophosphate acyltransferase is mediated by distal promoter via ChREBP and SREBP- 1 Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics (ABB), 490(2,15), 85-95.
25. Kawalpreet Aneja, Prajna Guha, Rasheda Shilpi, Sanjoy Chakraborty, Laura Schramm, and Dipak Haldar. 2008. Presence of distal and proximal promoters for rat mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics (ABB). 470 (1), 35-43.
26. Manik Hossain, M Kamruzzaman Munshi, Rasheda Yasmin Shilpi and Harun-Or-Rashid. 2008. Isolation of Food-Borne Microorganisms from Atlantic Mackerel and Disinfection of the raw Fish by radiation, Low temperature and Combination Treatments. Bangladesh Journal of Microbiol. 25 (2), 105-109
27. Rasheda Y. Shilpi and Irvine N. Hirshfield. 2007.The influence of high temperature and low oxygen tension on E. coli proteome:Two-dimensional gel analysis. Bangladesh J. life Sci.19(2):17-23.
28. Rasheda Shilpi, Ali Akond.and Zahed Uddin Mahmood Khan.1999. Growth and Nitrogen fixing potential of Azotobacter isolated from the Jahangirnagar University Campus. Bangladesh J. Life Sci.
29. Shahin Kabir, Ali Akond, Rasheda Shilpi, and Zahed Uddin Mahmood Khan. 1995. Quality of the water in rural area of Savar, Dhaka,Bangladesh J. Life Sci. 7(1&2):21-24
30. Rasheda Shilpi, Ali Akond.and Zahed Uddin Mahmood Khan.1993. Distribution and abundance of Azotobacter in the soils of Jahangirnagar University Campus. Bangladesh J. Life Sci, 5,19-24.
- Annual Botanical Conference 2018, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, March 16, 2019, Isolation, Characterization and molecular identification of pectinase producing bacteria from different type of samples.
- 7th International Botanical Conference 2017, Dhaka, December 2-3, 2017, Determination, identification and analysis food borne bacteria from different food samples of open market (Savar area) and super markets (Dhaka city).
- 7th International Botanical Conference 2017, Dhaka, December 2-3, 2017, Occurrence and Abundance of Food borne Bacteria from Different Types of Dried Food (Nuts and Spices) Samples
- Cold Spring Harbor meeting, Retroviruses, International conference, New York, May 23-28, 2013, The enhanced activity of a novel HIV-1 restriction factor, the X-DING-CD4 gene coincides with the higher activity of IFN-α and diminished activity of IL-8 mRNAs in PBMCs from HIV-1 elite controllers exposed to the exogenous HIV-1.
- Cold Spring Harbor meeting, Retroviruses, International conference, New York, May 23-28, 2011, X-DING-CD4-mediated intrinsic response to HIV-1 infection: the correlation between the X-DING-CD4 mRNA activity and suppression of HIV-1 transcription in primary human macrophages from HIV negative individuals.
- The 9th ICAV Symposium, Lubeck, Germany. International Conference on Antivirals for Neglected and Emerging Viruses October 10-13, 2010, The X-DING-CD4, a human protein mediating cellular resistance to HIV infection, offers new opportunity to develop antiviral therapy
- American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB). New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. April 25 -29, 2009, Distal and proximal promoters of rat mitochondrial glycerophosphate acyltransferase gene direct the tissue specific expression of their transcripts
- American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB), San Diego, California, USA April 4-9, 2008, The distal, not the proximal promoter upregulates mitochondrial glycerophosphate acyltransferase in starved and refed rat liver cells.
- Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS), Austin, Texas, USA November 7-9, 2007, Cell culture model of starvation and refeeding to study the regulation of mitochondrial glycerophosphate acyltransferase
- American Society for microbiology (ASM), 106th General meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA. May 21, 2006. Role of different factors on the expression levels of acid inducible genes in E.coli at high temperature and low oxygen tension.
- American Society for Microbiology (ASM), 105th General Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. June 8, 2005, The influence of Oxygen and Temperature on the regulation of Acid–inducible Genes of Escherichia coli.
Academic Info
Subject |
Name of Degree |
University |
Country |
Class |
Year of Graduation |
Microbiology |
PhD |
St. John’s University, New York, USA |
United States of America |
Not applicable |
2006 |
Molecular Biology |
MS |
St. John’s University, New York, USA |
United States of America |
Not applicable |
2001 |
Botany |
MS |
Dhaka University |
Bangladesh |
First class First position |
1988(held on 1991) |
Botany |
B. Sc (Hons) undergraduate |
Dhaka University |
Bangladesh |
First class First position |
1987 (held on 1990) |
Science group |
H,Sc |
Dhaka board |
Bangladesh |
2nd division |
1983 |
Science group |
SSc |
Dhaka board |
Bangladesh |
1st division |
1981 |
Position |
Department |
Faculty and University |
Time period |
Professor |
Department of Botany
Biological Sciences, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh |
September 2012 to present |
Associate professor |
Department of Botany
Biological Sciences, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh |
October 2006 to September 2012 |
Post-Doctoral Scientists |
Molecular Virology Division (HIV research program), Pathology Department St. Lukes/Roosevelt Institute for health sciences
Columbia University, New York, USA |
October 2009 to September 2011 |
Post -Doctoral Research Associate |
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Laboratory Department of Biological Sciences |
St. John’s University New York, USA |
2007 -2008 |
Chemist |
Department of Research and development (R & D) |
Forest Pharmaceutical Laboratory, Inwood, Long Island, NY , USA |
May 20 to September 23, 2001
Teaching assistant and doctoral fellow |
Department of Biological Sciences |
St. John’s University, Jamaica, New York, (Microbiology, Mammalian anatomy, Human physiology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry) |
January2000 to June 2006 |
Assistant Professor |
Department of Botany |
Biological Sciences, Jahangirnagar University |
1995 -2006 (2000- 2006 on leave) |
Lecturer |
Department of Botany |
Biological Sciences, Jahangirnagar University |
1991 -1995 |
Dr. Rasheda Yasmin Shilpi
Department of Botany
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Email: shilpirasheda@juniv.edu