Rover Scout

Muhammad Kamruzzaman Department of Government & Politics
Muhammad Kamruzzaman
Message From Teacher-In-Charge
Welcome to the Rover Scout Group of Jahangirnagar University (JURSG), Savar, Dhaka. It was established in 8th February 1982 and registered with Bangladesh Scouts Dhaka District Rover as well as Bangladesh Scouts Rover area. The Charter No of Jahangirnagar University Rover Scout Group is 205/82 and Dhaka District Rover nob -27. This organization is affiliated with Jahangirnagar University administration since 1982. This organization is a voluntary organization. The motto of Rover Scout is “Service”. Volunteering at the JU admissions test, JU annual sports competition, JU annual alumni reunion, all national day programms and various events conducted by Jahangirnagar University on a monthly or bimonthly basis are the primary activities of JURSG.
In addition, JURSG actively participates in a variety of activities organized by Bangladesh Scouts and Dhaka District Rover, including the annual camp, skill acquisition course, Rover Mate course, river rafting camp, national eye and blood day, national consumer day, national internet jamboree, and jotajoti. Moreover, JURSG is a competent organization that successfully executes the government of Bangladesh's COVID vaccination campaign. It has continued to successfully participate in a variety of activities, including National Camp, Regional Rover Moot, and District Rover Moot. JURSG does several sorts of social development and welfare work, such as free blood donation activities, winter clothing distribution activities, campaigns for cleanliness, etc.
To learn more please visit the link below.
JURSG official Facebook page: