Dr. A.T.M. Shakhawat Hossain Professor, Department of Geological Sciences
Geological Engineering, Geotechnics, Geohazards & Disaster Sciences. Viz.Numerical finite element Seepage & Slope stability Modeling by using seep/w & slope/w, Climate Variability and its impact on Landslide Hazards, Flood Hazards, Swelling and Shrinkage Hazards, water, health Hazards, Liquefaction Hazards, Geotecnical Site Investigation, Mineralogy & Microfabric of bonded soils, , Modeling bonded soils, on the infrastructures & built environment, Solid Waste management etc.BOOK
- Book sections/Chapters : Hossain, A. T. M. S. & Toll. D.G. (2012) Geotechnical Behaviour of Unsaturated Tropical Clay Soils of Dhaka, Bangladesh, in Mancuso, C., Jommi, C. & Dâ??Onza F. eds. Book on Unsaturated Soils: Research and Applications: Book Chapter, Springer, 309-316. ISSN/ISBN: 978-3-642-31115-4, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-31116-1.
- Toll, D. G. & Hossain, A. T. M. S. (2003): â?? Pre-failure behaviour of the tropical clay soils of Dhaka, Bangladeshâ?, Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials / Comportement Des Sols Et Des Roches Tendres, edited by Prof. H. Di Benedetto, H . Geoffroy , T . Doanh , and C. Sauzéat, ebook ISBN:978-0-415-88920-9. Print ISBN:978-90-5809-604-3, PP.695-700. http://www.crcnetbase.com/ DOI: 10.1201/NOE9058096043.ch86, (Chapter 86).
- Hossain, A. T. M. S. & Toll. D.G. (2009) â??Geomechanical aspects of some tropical Clay soils from Dhaka, Bangladeshâ? Engineering Geology for Tomorrowâ??s Citiesâ?, Special publication 22, Book CD-Rom published by The Geological Society of London, U.K. ISBN: 978-1-86239-290-8.
- Hossain, A. T. M. S. (2000) â??Undrained small strain behavior of some tropical clay soils of Dhaka, Bangladeshâ?,Sixth young Geotechnical Engineersâ?? symposium, Ebook of ICE (Institution of Civil Engineers) London. ISBN: 978 0-7277-4245-2.
- Hossain, A. T. M. S. (1994) â??Measurement of swelling strain of Gault clay from Englandâ? 7th International IAEG Congress book volume , Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 515-519. ISBN 90 5410 5038
Selected Journal & Conference papers: Hossain, A.T.M.S. & Toll, D.G. (2013) Climatic Scenario and Suction Controlled Rainfall Induced Landslide Hazards in some Unsaturated Soils of Chittagong, Bangladesh. Abst.accepted for publication (Full paper under review). International Conference on Climate Change Impact & Adaptations (ICCCIA-2013), Gazipur,DUET. Hossain, M.S, Hossain A.T.M.S. & Haque, M.E.(2012) Shrinkage Behaviour of Some Soil Samples of A Solid Waste Disposal Site of Rajshahi City, Bangladesh and its Relation to Mineralogy, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, Vol. 35,No.1, ISSN 1022-8594. Hossain, A. T. M. S.(2011) Influence of rainfall & climate change on the slope failures at the northern part of Karnafully river, Chittagong, Bangladesh, IGCP-581, Hokkaido University, Japan,June 2011. http://geos.ees.hokudai.ac.jp/581/download/20110319.pdf Hossain, A. T. M. S. (2005) “Some geo-engineering problems of buildings of the Greater Dhaka City, Bangladeshâ€, Journal of Nepal Geological Society, Volume 32, ISSN 0259-1316. http://ngs.org.np/web/absvol/Vol32.pdf. Hossain, M.S., Hossain, A. T. M. S. (2010) “Influence of mineralogy on the Shrinkage behaviour of some soil samples collected from a solid waste disposal site of Rajshahi city, Bangladeshâ€, 10th International Congress for Applied Mineralogy, ICAM 2011, Norway. www.icam2011.org Islam, M. R., Hossain, A. T. M. S. & Mia, M.Y(2010) “Microfabric & mineralogy of some soil samples collected from the North-Eastern part of Dhaka & Ichapur area of Rupganj, Narayanganj and their implications on infrastructures and engineering geologyâ€, 10th International Congress for Applied Mineralogy, ICAM 2011, Norway. www.icam2011.org Hossain, A. T. M. S. & Toll. D.G. (2008) “ Bonding and yielding behaviour of some tropical Clay soils from Dhaka, Bangladesh, 33rd International Geological Congress Proceedings, Balkema, Netherlands. http://www.cprm.gov.br/33IGC/1202354.html Hossain, A. T. M. S. (2004) “Drained triaxial tests on some tropical clay soils of Dhaka, Bangladeshâ€, published in the congress proceedings of the 32nd International Geological Congress (IGC), Florence, Italy, 20-28th August, 2004, Balkema, Netherlands. http:// www.32igc.org/home.html Hossain, A. T. M. S. & Toll, D. G. (1998) “Engineering behavior of the tropical clay soils of Dhaka, Bangladesh†proceedings of the Fifth BGS young Geotechnical Engineers’ conference proceedings, Jointly organized by British Geotechnical Society (BGS) & Civil engineering dept., University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, England, U.K., 30th March-1st April, 1998. Ahmed, K. M., Hassain, M. A., Chowdhury, S. Q., Sharif, H., Haque, M. E & Hossain, A. T. M. S. (1995) “Urbanization and Geohazards- The Dhaka Scenarioâ€, 31st Annual Conference proceedings volume on Geohazards & Engineering Geology (EGAC 95), Coventry University, The Engineering Group of The Geological Society London, U.K. PP 327-336, September, 1995. Hossain, A. T. M. S. & Islam, F. (1998) “The Hidden Geo-engineering Hazards of Gazipur and Joydebpurâ€, International Seminar on Geoscience & Urban development, organized by Bangladesh Geological Society (BGS) and Association of Geoscientists for international Development (AGID), DhakaFebruary, 1998. Hossain, A. T. M. S. & Islam, F. (1997) “Swelling characteristics of some Madhupur clay samples of Gazipur and adjacent areasâ€, Bangladesh Geoscience Journal, Vol. 3, PP. 33-48, ISSN 1028-6845. Hossain, A. T. M. S. (2008) “Environmental consequence of unplanned urbanization & Landslide hazards in Chittagong, Bangladesh, 33rd International Geological Congress Proceedings, Balkema, Netherlands. http://www.cprm.gov.br/33IGC/1202388.html Hossain,A.T.M.S. & Toll, D.G.(2008) Bonding and yielding behaviour of some tropical clay soils of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 33rd International Geological Congress Proceedings, Balkema, Netherlands.http://www.cprm.gov.br/33IGC/1202354.html Hossain, A. T. M. S. (2001) : “Microfabric studies of some red tropical Madhupur clay soils of Dhaka,Bangladeshâ€, Bangladesh Geoscience Journal, Vol. 7, PP 81-94, ISSN 1028-6845. Haque, M. E. & Hossain, A. T. M. S. (1998) “Variation of the consistency limit results of some Madhupur clay samples of Dhaka by using Casagrande and Fall conepenetrometer methodsâ€, Bangladesh Geoscience Journal, Vol. 6, PP. 135-142, ISSN 1028-6845. Hossain, M.S., Hossain, A. T. M. S. & Bashar, K. (2007) “Geo-engineering properties and three dimensional deformation characteristics of some ultimate disposal site clay soils of Rajshahi City Corporation, Bangladesh†Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, Vol. 30,No.1, ISSN 1022-8594. Hossain, M.S., Hossain, A. T. M. S. & Bashar, K. (2007) “Solid waste characteristics and present status of urban solid waste management system in Rajshahi city corporation, Bangladesh. Abstract published in the 12th Bangladesh Geological Society Conference proceedings. Hossain, A. T. M. S. & Toll. D.G. (2006) “Geomechanical aspects of some tropical Clay soils from Dhaka, Bangladesh†Conference proceedings volume of the 10th IAEG (International Association of Engineering Geology) Congress, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 6-10 September 2006. The Geological Society of London, U.K. http://www.iaeg.info/iaeg2006/ iaeg2006.geolsoc.org.uk/cd/PAPERS/IAEG_143.PDF Hossain, A. T. M. S. (2005) “ Influence of mineralogy on the shrinkage behavior of some Quaternary soils of Bengal Delta†Conf. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mekong Delta (IGCP-475), Vietnam,. Akon, E. & Hossain, A. T. M. S. (2004) “ Prospect of mineral sand deposits of Bangladesh†published in the proceedings of the 32nd International Geological Congress (IGC), Florence, Italy, 20-28th August, 2004, Balkema, Netherlands, PP.321. http:// www.32igc.org/home.html Ali, M.S. & Hossain, A. T. M. S. (2003) “Bonding and Yielding Behavior of Hathazari Clay, Chittagongâ€, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, Vol. 26, PP.153-169, ISSN 1022-8594. Haque, M. E. & Hossain, A. T. M. S. (2002) “Clay minerals and Shrinkage behavior of some Madhupur Clay samples of Dhaka, Bangladesh: A. Case studyâ€, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, Vol. 25, PP. 153-167, ISSN 1022-8594. Hossain, A. T. M. S. (2001) : “Microfabric studies of some red tropical Madhupur clay soils of Dhaka, Bangladeshâ€, Bangladesh Geoscience Journal, Vol. 7, PP 81-94, ISSN 1028-6845. Haque, M. E. & Hossain, A. T. M. S. (1998) “Variation of the consistency limit results of some Madhupur clay samples of Dhaka by using Casagrande and Fall conepenetrometer methodsâ€, Bangladesh Geoscience Journal, Vol. 6, PP. 135-142, ISSN 1028-6845. Hossain, A. T. M. S. & Islam, F. (1998) “The Hidden Geo-engineering Hazards of Gazipur and Joydebpurâ€, international Seminar on Geoscience & Urban development, organized by Bangladesh Geological Society (BGS) and Association of Geoscientists for international Development (AGID), Dhaka, 1998. Hossain, A. T. M. S. & Islam, F. (1997) “Swelling characteristics of some Madhupur clay samples of Gazipur and adjacent areasâ€, Bangladesh Geoscience Journal, Vol. 3, PP. 33-48, ISSN 1028-6845. Hossain, A. T. M. S. (1996) “Swelling – The Hidden Geohazards of Dhaka†30th International Geological Congress, Beijing, China. Hossain, A. T. M. S. & Haque, M. E. (1995) “Shear strength characteristics of some pleistocene Madhupur clay soils of Dhaka and their relationship with Mineralogy, Bangladesh Geoscience journal, Vol. 1, PP..21-32, ISSN 1028-6845. Hossain, A. T. M. S. & Reza, H. (1995) “Slope stability calculations for Design of an Embankment Dam on a Mixture of sand, Bentonite and Kaolinite soilâ€, Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 13 (1), PP 67-73, ISSN 0253-5132 Hossain, A. T. M. S. & Chowdhury, S. Q. (1994) “Investigations of some Geotechnical Engineering characteristics of the expansive Gault clay from South-East Englandâ€, The Dhaka University Journal of Science, Part-B, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 33-40, ISSN 1022-2502. Chowdhury, K. R., Alam, S. ,Hossain, A. T. M. S. & Hoque, S. (1994) “A Preliminary Assessment of Water and Sediment pollution load along the coasts of Chittagong and Cox’s Bazarâ€, The Journal of NOAMI, Vol. 11, No. 2, PP. 17 to 25. Hossain, A. T. M. S. & Chowdhury, K. R. (1993) “Geo-statistical parameters and the Heavy Mineral Assemblages of the upper Barail formation along the River Sections in Nayagang and Sonatila, Sylhet District, BD.Jahangirnagar Review, Part-A (Science), Vol. 17, pp. 71-82, ISSN 1022-8594. Hossain, A. T. M. S. (1989-1992) “X-Ray Diffraction Study of the Gault Clay, Englandâ€, Jahangirnagar Review, Part-A, Vol. 13-16, pp. , 1989-1992, pp.41-48, ISSN 1022-8594.Contact
Dr. A.T.M. Shakhawat Hossain
Department of Geological Sciences
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: +8801914897282
Work Phone: +88-02-7791045----51 Extn.1396
Email: shossain@juniv.edu
, shakhawathos2004@yahoo.com