Dr. Md. Sharif Hossain Khan Professor, Department of Geological Sciences
1985 Bachelor of Science with Honours in Geology, University of Dhaka
1986 Master of Science (Thesis on Clay mineral diagenesis) in Geology, University of Dhaka
2004 PhD (Thesis Title: Soil-Landform development of a part of Fold Belt along eastern coast of Bangladesh) in Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR), India.
Quaternary Geology, Geomorphology and Active Tectonics, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy.
M S Hossain, R Yeasmin, M S H Khan, M I Reday, F T Zohora and S T TOMA, (2024) Lithofacies and deformation structure of the Bandarban Anticline, Chittagong–Tripura Fold Belt, Bangladesh – Depositional environments and tectonic implications. Journal of Earth System Science, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12040-024-02311-5
R Yeasmin, R Abdullah, M S Hossain, S Ao, M S H Khan, A S M Sayem, W Xiao, P Zhang, A Zoarder, and T J Tithi, (2024) Petrography, geochemistry and detrital zircon U–Pb dating of the Pliocene-Pleistocene Dupi Tila Formation from the Lalmai Anticline, Bengal Basin: Regional tectonic implications. Geological Journal, 1 – 23. https://doi.org/10.1002/gj.4921
M I Reday, M S H Khan, M S Hossain, P Pati, M J J Rahman, and Z Bari, (2023) Tectono-geomorphic evolution of an alluvial fan along the Dauki Fault system, Bengal Basin, Bangladesh: remote sensing and pedogenic approach. Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes, DOI: 10.1080/24749508.2023.2178131
Anjumonuara, M S H Khan and M S Hossain, (2022) Geomorphological and structural evolution of the Fenchuganj and the Kailashtila structures, Sylhet Trough, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Geoscience Journal 28: 1 - 32.
M S Hossain, S Ao, T K Mondal, A Sain, M S H Khan, W Xiao, P Zhang, and F Cheng, (2022) Understanding the Deformation Structures and Tectonics of the Active Orogenic Fold-Thrust Belt: Insights from the Outer Indo-Burman Ranges. Lithosphere, 2022(1): 6058346. https://doi.org/10.2113/2022/6058346
M I Reday, M S H Khan, M S Hossain, M J J Rahman, and M M Hossain, (2021) Mechanical analysis of the Lauchapara Formation from the Susang Hills, Sherpur, Bangladesh: Implication for sedimentary environment. Bangladesh Geoscience Journal 27: 1 - 25.
M S Hossain, M S H Khan, R Abdullah, and S Mukherjee, (2021) Late Cenozoic transpression at the plate boundary: Kinematics of the eastern segment of the Dauki Fault Zone (Bangladesh) and tectonic evolution of the petroliferous NE Bengal Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 131, 105133. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105133
M S Hossain, W Xiao, M S H Khan, K R Chowdhury and Ao, S (2020) Geodynamic model and tectono-structural framework of the Bengal Basin and its surroundings. Journal of Maps 16: 2. 445 - 458.
M S H Khan, M S Hossain, R Islam (2019) Geomorphology, Structural Model and Active Tectonics of the Rashidpur Structure, Bengal Basin, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Geoscience Journal 25: 1 - 21.
R M E Ali, M S H Khan, M S Alam, K R Chowdhury (2018) Observation on Sedimentation with regard to Subsidence and Waterlogging in the Southwestern Part of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Geoscience Journal 24: 17 - 30.
M S H Khan, M S Hossain, M A Uddin (2018) Geology and Active Tectonics of the Lalmai Hills, Bangladesh - An Overview from Chittagong Tripura Fold Belt Perspective. Journal Geological Society of India 92: 713-720.
M S H Khan, M S Hossain, K R Chowdhury (2017) Geomorphic implications and active tectonics of the Sitapahar Anticline – CTFB, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Geoscience Journal 23: 1-24.
M S Ali, M M Haque, M S H Khan (2016) Measurement of braiding index of the Jamuna River: Methods, Implications and Constraints. Bangladesh Geoscience Journal 22: 59-78.
M S H Khan, M M Haque, P Pati, K R Chowdhury, S Biswas (2015) OSL derived uplift rate of Dakhin Nhila anticline along the southeastern coast of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. Himalayan Geology 36(2): 143-152.
M M H Ovi, M S H Khan, M M Haque (2014) Geomorphic signatures of active tectonics from Sylhet city and adjoining areas, Surma Basin, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Geoscience Journal 20: 19-34.
S Akter, M J J Rahman, M S H Khan, A K M K Alam (2012) Remote Sensed Geomorphology Of Mymensingh Terrace And Adjoining Areas, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Geoscience Journal 18: 43-58.
R K Saha, M S H Khan, S Akhter, A Huque (2011) Study of clay minerals of Shitalakhya – Dhaleswari interfluve. Bangladesh Journal of Geology 29-30: 88-99.
M S H Khan, R K Saha, S Akhter (2011) Soil geomorphic evolution of Shitalakhya-Dhaleswari interfluve. Bangladesh Geoscience Journal 17: 53-72.
S Ershad, M S H Khan, M J J Rahman (2011) Provenance of the Late Pleistocene – Holocene sediments of the Southeastern Coast of Bangladesh: Inference from detrital mode and Major elelment Geochemistry. Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science 34(2): 111-132.
R Yeasmin, M J J Rahman, M S H Khan (2010) Sandstone Petrology of the Surma Group of the Titas Gas Field, Bengal Basin, Bangladesh. Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science 33(1): 13-34.
B Bhosle, B Parkash, A K Awasthi, S Singh, M S H Khan (2008) Role of extensional tectonics and climatic changes in geomorphological, pedological and sedimentary evolution of the Western Gangetic Plain (Himalayan Foreland Basin), India. Himalayan Geology 29(1): 1-24.
R Yeasmin, M S Islam, M J J Rahman, M S H Khan (2008) Petrographic characterization of the Neogene Reservoir Sandstones of the Surma Group from the Bakhrabad Structure, Bengal Basin, Bangladesh Bangladesh Geoscience Journal 14: 13-32.
B Parkash, S Singh, S Kumar, S Gupta, M S H Khan (2007) Absolute dating of migration events of the Ganga River, Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India. Bangladesh Geoscience Journal 13: 1-11.
S M M Ameen, S A Wilde, Z M Kabir, E Akon, K R Chowdhury, M S H Khan (2007) Paleoproterozoic granitoids in the basement of Bangladesh: A piece of the Indian shield or an exotic fragment of the Gondwana jigsaw? Gondwana Research 12: 380-387.
E Ahammed, M S H Khan, M E Haque (2006) Pedogenic characteristics and engineering properties of some Pleistocene sediments from Savar and Tongi Thana areas of Dhaka and Gazipur Districts. Bangladesh Geoscience Journal 12: 27-46.
M S H Khan, S Biswas, S Singh, P Pati (2006) OSL chronology of Dihing Formation and Recent upliftment rate along the Dauki Fault, NE Bangladesh. Bangladesh Geoscience Journal 12: 1-12.
M S H Khan, B Parkash, S Kumar (2005) Soil-landform development of the fold belt along the eastern coast of Bangladesh. Geomorphology 71: 310-327.
M S H Khan, B Parkash (2004) Emergence of Jaldi and Maiskhali Structures, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Geoscience Journal 10: 1-12.
M G Kibria, K R Chowdhury, M S H Khan, M J J Rahman (2000) Petrography of the Boulders, Concretions and Calcareous sandstone bands of Teknaf and adjoining areas. Bangladesh Geoscience Journal 6: 103-115.
R B Haumann, F Preusser, K R Chowdhury, M S H Khan, N E Huq (2000) A test study of Luminescence Dating of fluvial sediments from Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Geology 19: 25-34.
K M I Hossain, M S H Khan, M A Chowdhury, N E Huq (1999) Flushing ability of Basal shales: Implications for deep – seated hydrocarbon prospect in the Surma Basin, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Geoscience Journal 5: 45-55.
S M M Ameen, M S H Khan, E Akon, A I Kazi (1998) Petrography and major oxide chemistry of some Precambrian Crystalline rocks from Maddhapara, Dinajpur. Bangladesh Geoscience Journal 4: 1-19.
M S H Khan, S M M Ameen, E Akon (1997) Petrographic study of some core samples from Precambrian Basement, Maddhapara, Dinajpur district, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Geology 16: 55-64.
N E Huq, M S H Khan (1996) Facies analysis of the exposed bar sequence of southern Char Shibalaya of the Jamuna River near Aricha Ghat. Bangladesh Journal of Geology 15: 33-42.
M S H Khan, S Q Chowdhury, S H Mondal (1996) Study on Neogene shales of the Patharia Anticline with emphasis on the mechanism of Clay mineralogical and chemical variations during burial diagenesis. Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science 20: 79-86.
S Q Chowdhury, A Hasan, K M U Ahmed, M S H Khan (1993) Clay mineral - its environmental control on the Neogene shale with particular reference to the Patharia Structure, Surma Basin, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research 11(2): 179-184.
S Q Chowdhury, A T M F Haque, M S H Khan, M A Zaher (1991) Origin and mode of formation of nodular shale: A case study from the Patharia Structure, Surma Basin, Bangladesh. Dhaka University Studies 39(2): 179-186.
S Dasgupta, S A Bajpai, M S Hossain and M S H Khan, 2023, Ichnology of the “paleo-Brahmaputra” shelf-margin hyperpycnal-deltaic system from the Miocene Boka Bil– Tipam formations of the Chittagong–Tripura Fold Belt, Bangladesh. 36th International Meeting of Sedimentology, June 12–16, 2023, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Abstracts Book; p. 358.
M S Hossain, M S H Khan, K R Chowdhury, (2022) Strain Partitioning Along the Outer Indo-Burman Ranges – Field and Seismic Evidences. 7th Conference on Rock Deformation & Structures (RDS-VII), Banaras Hindu University, Uttar Pradesh, India, p. 32.
M S Hossain, M S H Khan, T K Mondal, A Sain, (2021) Geometry and kinematics of the deformation structures – examples from the young and active western Indo-Burman ranges. 6th Conference on Rock Deformation & Structures (RDS-VI), Central University of Kerala, India, p. 56.
M I Reday, M S H Khan, M S Hossain, M J J Rahman, (2021) Mechanical Analysis of the Lauchapara Formation from Susang Hills, Sherpur, Bangladesh: Implication for the Sedimentary Environment. National seminar on Geosciences for sustainable development of Bangladesh, 50th anniversary of GSB, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Abstract volume, p. 73.
M S Hossain, M S H Khan, K R Chowdhury, (2020) Geometry and kinematics of the deformation structures – Insight from a young and active orogenic fold-thrust belt. 36th International Geological Congress (IGC2020), New Delhi, India. Abstract No: 5003-4517, Theme 27: Rock Deformation and Rheology, p. 2467-68.
M S Hossain, M S H Khan, (2020) Tectonic Development of the Bengal Basin in Relation to Fold-Thrust Belt to the East and to the North. 36th International Geological Congress (IGC2020), New Delhi, India. Abstract No: 2010-1766, Theme 27: Rock Deformation and Rheology, p. 2452.
M S Hossain, M M Islam, O Islam, M S H Khan and K R Chowdhury (2018) Deformation characteristics of the Chittagong Tripura Fold Belt – An insight from the geometrical analysis of folded structures. International conference on Recent advances in Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Januuary 27 - 29, Abstract volume; p. 9.
Z Bari, M S H Khan and K R Chowdhury (2018) Soil chronoassociation of the Brahmaputra (Jamuna), Padma (Ganges) and Meghna interfluve, Bengal Basin, Bangladesh. International conference on Recent advances in Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Januuary 27 - 29, Abstract volume; p. 48.
M S Hossain, K R Chowdhury, M S H Khan, R Abdullah (2016) Geotectonic settings of the Dauki fault – A highly potential source for a significant seismic threat. International conference on Short- and long-term management of earthquake risk and damage prevention in Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal,February 19-22, Book of abstracts; p. 25.
M S Ali, M M Haque, M S H Khan (2015) Measurement of braiding indices of the Brahmaputra-Jamuna River: implications and constraints. Seventh Nepal Geological Congress (NGC-VII), Kathmandu, Nepal, April 7-9, Abstract volume; p. 17.
M M H Ovi, M S H Khan, M M Haque (2015) Geomorphic signatures of active tectonics from Sylhet city and adjoining areas, Surma basin, Bangladesh. Seventh Nepal Geological Congress (NGC-VII), Kathmandu, Nepal, April 7-9, Abstract volume; p. 108.
M S Hossain, M S H Khan, K R Chowdhury, M Afrooz (2014) Morpho-structural classification of the Indo-Burman Ranges and the adjacent regions. National conference on Rock deformation & Structures (RDS-III), Dibrugarh, India, October 29-31, Abstract volume; p. 31-32.
M S H Khan, B Parkash, S Kumar (2003) Emergence of Maiskhali Island. ‘Geosynergy – 2003’ National level Student convention, IITR, Roorkee, India, April 5-6, Abstracts p. 5 – 6.
M S H Khan, B Parkash, S Kumar (2002) Landscape evolution of a part of Fold Belt along eastern coast of Bangladesh. National seminar on coastal and off-shore sedimentary basins and their resource potential and XIX Convention of Indian Association of Sedimentologists, Visakhapatnam, India, December 16-18, Abstracts; p. 106 – 107.
B Parkash, S Singh, S Kumar, S Gupta, M S H Khan (2002) Luminescence dating of meander scrolls of the Ganga River, Eastern U.P. ‘Geosynergy – 2002’ National level Student convention, IITR, Roorkee, India, March 22-24, Abstracts p. 7.
B Parkash, S Singh, S Kumar, S Gupta, M S H Khan (2001) Absolute dating of migration events of the river Ganga in Ghazipur district, Eastern U. P. XVIII convention – 2001 of Indian Association of Sedimentologists and National seminar on Geotecnical Issues and Recent researches in sedimentary basins of India, their significance in Industrial development and Landsystem management, p. 49. Aligarh, India.
K R Chowdhury, M S Hossain, M S H Khan, (2022) Introduction to Bangladesh Geosciences and Resources Potential. In: K R Chowdhury, M S Hossain, M S H Khan (eds.), Bangladesh Geosciences and Resources Potential (1st ed.). CRC Press, 1-23, https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003080817
M M Rahman, M S H Khan (2022) Peat Resources in Bangladesh and Challenges for Their Development. In: K R Chowdhury, M S Hossain, M S H Khan (eds.), Bangladesh Geosciences and Resources Potential (1st ed.). CRC Press, 259-278, http://dx.doi.org/DOI:%2010.1201/9781003080817-7
A K M K Alam, M S H Khan (2022) Geomorphology of Bangladesh and Potential Land Use. In: K R Chowdhury, M S Hossain, M S H Khan (eds.), Bangladesh Geosciences and Resources Potential (1st ed.). CRC Press, 355-398, http://dx.doi.org/DOI:%2010.1201/9781003080817-10
M S Hossain, M S H Khan, R Abdullah, K R Chowdhury (2020) Tectonic Development of the Bengal Basin in Relation to Fold-Thrust Belt to the East and to the North. In: T. K. Biswal, S.K. Ray and B. Grasemann (eds.), Structural Geometry of Mobile Belts of the Indian Subcontinent. Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 91-109, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-40593-9_4
M S Hossain, M S H Khan, K R Chowdhury, R Abdullah (2019) Synthesis of the Tectonic and structural elements of the Bengal Basin and its surroundings. In: S Mukherjee (Ed.),Tectonics and Structural Geology: Indian Context, 135 – 218, Springer Nature Switzerland.
Dr. Md. Sharif Hossain Khan
Department of Geological Sciences
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Email: sha@juniv.edu