Dr. M. Shamim Kaiser Professor, Institute of Information Technology
Dr. M Shamim Kaiser is currently working as a Professor at the Institute of Information Technology of Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh. He received his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Applied Physics Electronics and Communication Engineering from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2002 and 2004 respectively, and the Ph. D. degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Pathumthani, Thailand, in 2010. He worked as a postdoc fellow in the Big data and Cyber Security Lab of Anglia Ruskin University, UK from 2017-2018. He also worked as a Special Research Student at the Wireless Signal Processing and Networking Lab (Adachi Lab) of Tohoku University, Japan in 2008. His current research interests include Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Wireless Network & Signal Processing, Cognitive Radio networks, Big IoT data, Healthcare, Neuroinformatics, and Cyber Security. He has authored more than 299 papers in different peer-reviewed journals and conferences.
He is an Academic Editor of Plos One Journal; Associate Editor of the IEEE Access and Cognitive Computation Journal, and Guest Editor of Brain Informatics Journal, IJACI (IGI Global), Electronics MDPI, Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, and Cognitive Computation Journal. Dr Kaiser is a Life Member of the Bangladesh Electronic Society; Bangladesh Physical Society and NOAMI. He is also a senior member of IEEE, USA, and IEICE, Japan, and an active volunteer of the IEEE Bangladesh Section. He is the founding Chapter Chair of the IEEE Bangladesh Section Computer Society Chapter.
Google Scholar | Research Gate | ORCID | Website
Please download my CV from HERE
- Research Interest: Kaiser's research involves Applied Data Science, Computational Neuroscience, Big Data analysis, Cyber Security, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, High-Speed Multi-hop Communication and Smart Healthcare
- UN SDG My research supports several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals including - Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities, Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being, Goal 4: Quality Education, and Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities.
- Publication Published Journal/Conference Article/Book Chapters/Book: 299+
- Supervision Supervised 05 PhD; 15 Masers 20 Bachelor Thesis/Projects
- Best Scientist Best Computer Scientist of Bangladesh as per research.com (https://research.com/u/m-shamim-kaiser). Also, Name included in the Stanford University Names World’s Top 2% Scientists, 2021 and 2022
- Research Group: Team Lead, AII Research Group
- Funded Project: EU Funded Projects: 02; Government Funded Projects:09
Editorial Involvement:
- Academic Editor, Plos One
- Associate Editor, IEEE Access, IEEE | Cognitive Computation, Springer
- Guest Editor, Big data Analytics, Springer | Neuroinformatics, Frontiers| Electronics, MDPI |Braininformatics, Springer | Cognitive Computation, Springer | IJACI
- Conference Proceeding Editor, TCCE 2020 & 2021 | BI 2020 & 2021 | ICTCS 2020 & 2021
- TPC Secterary, ICEEICT Series (2014-2018) | TCCE 2020 | AII2021 Series
- Local Arrangement Chair HTC 2017
- Publication Chair, TCCE 2020
- Organizing Co-chair, ICREST 2019 | TCCE 2021
Volunteer Position at IEEE
- Senior Member, IEEE
- Conference Coordinator, 2020 IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter
- Past Chair, 2019 IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter
- Chapter Chair, 2018 IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter
- Founding Chair, 2017 IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter
- 2017 Publicity Coordinator | 2016 HAC | 2015 SAC, IEEE BDS
Membership with other Society
- Life Member: BES, BSES, NOAMI, BPS
On-going Research Projects
- Embracing diversity in ASIA through the adoption of Inclusive Open Practices (DIVERSASIA) [Jan 2021 to Jan 2023]. Partner Institute: Jahangirnagar Univesity; Web: https://diversasia-accessible-he.eu/; Funded by European Commission
- City from Farm to Plate via Machine Learning and Blockchain--Smart Farming with Intelligent Supply Chain Management [2020-2021]; Chief Investigator: M Shamim Kaiser; Co-Investigator: Shamim Al Mamun (JU), Mufti Mahmud (NTU, UK); Amount: 300K BDT; Funded by UGC of Bangladesh
- Machine Learning-based Smart Farming in the Context of Bangladesh [July 2019- June 2020]; Chief Investigator: M Shamim Kaiser; Amount: 75K BDT; Funded By Jahangirnagar University (Special Allocation by UGC);
Completed Research Projects
- Principle-investigator, Project Title: Design and Implementation of Flood Warning System for Bangladesh Using WSN, Financed by Jahangirnagar University, July 2015 to June 2016).
- Principle-investigator, Project Title: Design and Implementation of Deserter Warning System for Bangladesh Using WSN, Financed by Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, (BDT 200K), July 2014 to June 2015
- Co-investigator, Project Title: Design and Implementation of Grid-Connected Solar Water Pumping System for Bangladesh. Financed by the Ministry of Education, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (BDT 1800K), July 2013 to June 2015
- Project Director, Project Title: Financial Feasibility and Performance Evaluation of Solar Powered Rickshaw, Funded by University Grant Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh, (BDT 150K), June 2013 to July 2014
- Project Director, Project Title: Design and Implementation of Solar Power Boat, Financed by Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (BDT 35K), July 2013 to June 2014
- Project Director, Project Title: Solar Powered Wheel-chair for Physically Challenged People, Funded by Jahangirnagar University, (BDT 35K), June 2013 to July 2014
- Project Director, Project Title: Design and Implementation of Solar Power Tricycle Driving Circuit, Funding: Ministry of Science and Technology (BDT 70K), July 2012 to June 2013
Certification and Training
- 06/06/2017 Title: Hadoop Platform and Application Framework, Coursera. E-learning, University of
California, San Diego, USA. - 06/2015 Cisco Certified Network Associate, CCNA Instructor Academy, CCNA Network Academy
Instructor Exploration 3 and 4. - 03/07-04/07 Advanced Embedded System Design, Basic Tanning on Embedded System Design, PIC
Micro-controller, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. - 01/2011 TLC Training, BRAC University, Duration: 3 days. This 3-day intensive training program is designed to equip teachers with the essential skills to manage classrooms and engage students effectively. Participants will learn strategies to create a positive and productive learning environment through interactive sessions, practical exercises, and expert guidance.
- 06/2007 Certificate Course on PLC & Frequency Inverter Troubleshooting, UGC of Bangladesh.
- 12/2005 Basics about wireless communications, Organized by CICT of North South University..
A 3-day course offered a comprehensive overview of mobile communication technology. Participants delved into the fundamentals of mobile networks, advanced concepts, and emerging trends. Hands-on exercises and practical demonstrations will enhance understanding and skills.
Administrative Works
Office Responsibilities
- 13 Nov. 2021 to 12 Nov 2024: Director, Institute of Information Technology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Role and Responsibilities: The Director of the Institute of Information Technology (IIT) at Jahangirnagar University is responsible for the overall leadership, management, Strategic Planning and academic direction of the institute. Institute of Information Technology – Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
- Since 2023 Teacher-in-charge, University Library, Jahangirnagar University. Role and Responsibilities: The Teacher-in-charge of the University Library at Jahangirnagar University is responsible for the overall leadership (Officer/Staff Management), Library Management, Strategic Planning of the Library. Also, provide Academic/research support by working closely with faculty members/students to support their teaching/research activities
- Since 2023 Additional Teacher-in-charge, University Library, Jahangirnagar University. Role and Responsibilities: The Additional Teacher-in-Charge of the University Library at Jahangirnagar University is responsible for: Assisting the Teacher-in-Charge in managing the library’s operations and developing strategic plans; Supporting the Teacher-in-Charge in areas such as collection development, reference services, user services, and staff management; Contributing to the development and implementation of the library’s strategic goals and objectives.
- Since 2018 Member, Jahangirnagar University Undergraduate Admission Test Result Preparation Committee. Role and Responsibilities: Reviewing and Analyzing Test Results; Ensuring Fairness and Transparency; Addressing Queries and Concerns
Training Program Coordination
- 18 Jan 24 to till now Member of Coordination Committee, Enhancing Digital Government & Economy (EDGE) at Institute of Information Technology of Jahangirnagar University.
- 2022-2024 Coordinator, D-nothi implementation committee, Jahangirnagar Univesity. D-Nothi is a digital document management system designed to streamline government processes and
reduce paperwork. The implementation of D-Nothi at Jahangirnagar University aims to create a more
efficient, transparent, and eco-friendly working environment. - 2022-2024 Coordinator, E-Governance and Innovation Committee, Jahangirnagar Univesity.
Selection Committee Member
- 04 June 23 to 03 June 25 Member, Selection Committee of Associate/Professor Board of IIT, Jahangirnagar University.
- 06 Dec 23 to 06 Dec 25 Member, Selection Committee of Deputy Register or Equivalent position, Jahangirnagar University.
- 03 July 22 to 02 July 2024 Member, Selection Committee of Department of Mechatronics Engineering Khulna University of Engineering and Technology Khulna, Bangladesh
- 03 July 22 to 02 July 2024 Member, Selection Committee, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Green University of Bangladesh.
Examination Committee
- Since 2011 Chairman/Tabulator of the Examination Committee of IIT, Jahangirnagar University
Since 2011 Member Departmental Higher Studies Committee/PhD and MPhil Examination Committee of IIT, Jahangirnagar University
Committee of Courses
- Since 2011 Member of syllabus/Curriculum Development Committee, IIT, Jahangirnagar University.
Role and Responsibilities: Curriculum Review and Development; Course Content Development based on student feedback and Industry Liaison projects. Also, Assist in the accreditation process by ensuring that the curriculum meets the rigorous standards set by the accrediting body
Student Welfare Advisor
- 14/11/19 to 31/01/2020 Student Welfare Advisor, IIT, Jahangirnagar University.
Management Committee Members
- 28 May 23 to till date Member, Internet Management Committee of ICT Cell, Jahangirnagar University.
- 31 Aug 23 to till now Member, Implementation of Smart Bangladesh Vision at Jahangirnagar University.
Committee Members at UGC
- 2021-till now Expert Member, Evaluation Committee, for Proposed/Updated Outcome-Based Education (OBE) Curricula, CSE/ICT/ICE/Cyber Security Programs at Universities.
- 2021-till now Expert Member, Evaluation Committee, for Laboratory Facilities in CSE/ICT/ICE/ Programs at Universities.
- 2021 Secretary, Technical Program Committee, The International Conference on Fourth Industrial
Revolution (IC4IR), held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on December 10-11, 2021. - Decision-making body
- Since 2023 Senate Member (Elected by Teachers), Jahangirnagar University Senate, Jahangirnagar
Teachers’ Association
- 2023 Secretary of Jahangirnagar University Teachers’ Association
- 2022 Executive Committee Member of Jahangirnagar University Teachers’ Association
Awards, Scholarships & Fellowship
- Post Doc Fellowship, Fusion-2, Erasmus Mundus Scholarship (Period: August 2016 to January 2018)
- Special Research Fellowship Wireless Signal Processing and Networking Laboratory (also known as Adachi Lab), Tohoku Univesity, Sendai, Japan. (Period: July-September 2008)
- Doctoral Fellowship, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand (2007–2010),
- Notre Dame Man of the Year, Notre Dame College, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1996
- Awarded Government Scholarship from the Government of Bangladesh at Standard VIII (Talent-pool
Britti) for outstanding academic performance for 1991–1994
Foreign Research Collaborations (only key collaborations)
- Since 2015 Prof. Mufti Mahmud, Department of Computer Science; Computing and Informatics Research Centre; Medical Technologies Innovation Facility, Nottingham Trent University, UK.
Developing low-cost and wireless assistive/rehabilitation devices. - Since 2017 Prof. Stefano VassanelliProf. Stefano Vassanelli, University of Padova, Italy. Applications of deep learning and reinforcement learning to biological data
- Since 2020 Prof Karl Andersson, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden. (a) Developing next-generation pervasive and mobile computing systems. (b) Security & Privacy in Next Generation Network.
- Since 2017 Prof Amir Hussain, Edinburgh Napier University, the UK. Developing intelligent signal analysis tools for [e/m]Health applications.
- Since 2017 Prof. M. Alamgir Hossain, CEO, D-Ready, the UK. Intelligent Transportation System and AI-based Urban Event Detection
- Since 2020 Prof Shariful Islam, Deakin University, Australia. Developing novel digital health tools
- Since 2019 Prof Ning Zhong, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan.
Developing next-generation brain informatics tools. - Since 2019 Prof. Kanad Ray, Amity University, Jaipur, India.
Development of low cost intelligent pHealth tools for detecting Epilepsy.
Keynote Talk/Technical Talk
- Keynote Talk at St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata, India, Date: 06/09/2024. Presentation Title:
Industry Transformation Using AI/ML and IoT - Keynote Talk at CIIR 2023: International Conference on Cyber Intelligence and Information
Retrieval, Kolkata, India on 18 December 2023. Presentation Title: Transforming Industries with
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) - Keynote Talk at International Webinar Series, Organized by Integral University, India on 20 May
2022. Presentation Title: Next Generation Healthcare System: Challenges and Opportunity. - Keynote Talk at the International Conference on Innovative Development in Virtual and
Rapid Prototyping (IDVRP 2022), Organized by Uttaranchal University, India on 14 May 2022.
Presentation Title: Next Generation Healthcare System: Challenges and Opportunity. - Technical Talk at Tutorial Session of International Conference on Innovations in Science,
Engineering and Technology, Organized by IIUC, Bangladesh on 25 February 2022. Presentation
Title: Introduction to Deep Learning: An Overview. - Keynote Talk at the Green University of Bangladesh on 21 May 2021. Presentation Title: IEEE
Membership Benefits. - Keynote Talk at Kustia Islamic University, Bangladesh on 06 May 2021. Presentation Title:
IEEE Membership Benefits. - Keynote Talk at Winter School of BGC Trust University, Chattogram, Bangladesh on 13 Jan
2021. Presentation Title: Academic Research and Technical Paper writing. - Keynote Talk at International Conference on Computing and Communication 2020, Sikkim,
India. July 2020. Presentation Title: THE RISE OF AI IN HEALTHCARE 4.0: Transforming
Secure Healthcare Delivery using AI and 5G Network. - Keynote Talk at International ’Technical Talk on Applications of AI In Deep/Core Engineering,
13 June 2020, India. Presentation Title: Towards Sustainable Energy Management with AI and
Data Analytic. - Keynote Talk at Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology (BAUST), Saidpur,
Bangladesh, June 2020. Presentaion Title: Machine Learning for Healthcare and Rehabilitation
and Future Carrier. - Keynote Talk at International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Smart Computing (ICMISC
2020) 21st & 22nd May, India. Presentation Title: IoHT-Transforming Healthcare System using
Machine Learning, 5G Network and Distributed Security. - Keynote Talk at the Fifth International Conference on Information and Communication Tech-
nology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS-2020), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. December 2020.
Presentation Title:xG Secure Sustainable Energy Management with AI and Data Analytics. - Keynote Talk at BGC Trust University, Bangladesh on 12 May 2020. Presentation Title: Can
we Fight Against COVID-19 using Artificial Intelligence? - Keynote Talk at IEEE Bangladesh University of Professional Student Branch on Nov 29, 2019.
Presentation Title: How to write Scientific Research Paper - Keynote Talk at International Conference on Data Science and Application(ICDSA-2019),
2nd–3rd December 2019, India. Presentation Title:ML and IoT for Healthcare and Rehabilitation. - Keynote Talk at IEEE Stamford University Student Branch on 29 May 2018. Presentation Title:
How to write Scientific Research Paper. - Seminar Talk organized by IEEE JU Student Branch, Dhaka, Bangladesh on 5th April 2018.
Title: Technical Report Writing using LaTeX - Keynote Talk at the Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Daffodil Inter-
national University on 17 May 2018. Presentation Title: Knowledge from Real-time Big data–
Prospects and Challenges. - Keynote Talk at the 3rd Technology Fest and Expo (Technically sponsored by IEEE Computer
Society, Bangladesh Chapter) May (5th - 7th), 2018 Chittagong, Bangladesh. The Faculty of
Science, Engineering and Technology (FSET), USTC organises the fest. on Presentation Title:
Sensor Fusion: A Paradigm Shift in Industry Revolution. - 2017 Tech Talk at the Anglia Ruskin IT Research Institute, Anglia Ruskin University, UK, July 15,
2017. Presentation Title: Context-aware Crowd Analysis for Improved Traffic and Infrastructure
Planning: A Review. - Tech Talk at Anglia Ruskin IT Research Institute, ARU, Chelmsford, UK, on 23 May 2017. Title:
Crowd Analysis for Urban Event Detection - Keynote Talk at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Science and Technology Chittagong,
Organized by Anglia Ruskin IT Research Institute, Anglia Ruskin University, UK, Sept 21, 2016.
Presentation Title: Prospects and Challenges of Multihop Wireless Networks. - Seminar Talk at Anglia Ruskin IT Research Institute, ARU, Chelmsford, UK, 22 October 2016.
Title: Multihop Communication for the XG Wireless Network. - Tech Talk at IEEE Region 10 (Asia Pacific) Mini-POCO 2016 on 12th November 2016, Dhaka.
Title: Plagiarism Checking and PLG for IEEE Technical Co-sponsored Conference
IEEE Day Talk at IEEE Stamford University Student Branch on 19 March 2016. Title:IEEE
Humanitarian Activities in Bangladesh and Tips for Writing a Project Proposal - Tech Talk at the Faculty of Engineering, USTC, Chittagong on 11 November 2015. Presentation
Title: Multi-hop Network for High-Speed Data Transmission: Present and Future
Invited Talk at the IEEE-Day 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 5 Oct. 2015. Presentation Title:
Artificial Intelligence for Transportation Systems
Data analytics, Machine Learning, Health informatics, Wireless Network & Signal processing, Multihop-Cognitive Radio Network, Big data, and Cyber Security
All Publications
Course Code | Course Title | Semester/Year |
ICT 5103 | Digital Communication | Batch 44 |
ICT 2106 | Electrical Circuit Lab | 1st Year 1st Semester (Batch 2019-2020) |
ICT 2105 | Electrical Circuit | 1st Year 1st Semester (Batch 2019-2020) |
Academic Info
Period: 1994
Science Group, Comilla Board
Period: 1996
Science Group, Dhaka Board
Period: 1997 to 2002
BSc in Applied Physics Electronics & Communication Engg
Period: 2002-2004
MS in Applied Physics Electronics & Communication Engg
Period: 2007 -- 2010
PhD in Telecommunication Engineering
School of Engineering
Position: Professor
Period: Dec 12, 2019 to Till now
- Teaching--Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses especially Electrical Circuit, Mobile Communication, Digital Communication etc.
- Supervising research related to UWSN, Machine Learning, E-Health, Secure Data Analytics
Position: Associate Professor,
Period: 20 October 2015-11 Dec 2019
- Taught Witless and Mobile Communication Engineering, Digital Communication, Electrical Circuits. Numerical Analysis, Digital Signal Processing
- Student consultation; supervision of bachelor and master level students for their research.
- Performed various administrative activities including coordinating examination of Master students
Position: Post Doctoral
Period: 15 Sept 2016 to Till now
- Project Title: Advances in Crowd analysis for the Real-time Transportation Planning (Prof Alamgir Hossain)
- Project Title: Advances in Crowd analysis for the Crowd Event Detection (Urban Nexus Project)
Position: Lecturer
Period: May 19, 2005 to Nov. 19, 2006
- Conducted courses: Data Communication with Lab (ETE), Computer Networking with Lab (ETE), Electrical Machines (ETE), Analog Electronics (CS), Instrumentation and Control with Lab (CSE), Physics I (ETE/CSE/CIS/TEX), Satellite and Digital Communication (ETE) , Electronics I (ETE) and Electronics II (ETE).
- Member Secretary, DIU Journal of Science and Technology.
Position: Lecturer
Period: February 20 to August 10, 2007
- Conducted Courses: Data Communication and Computer Networking, Communication I & II, Digital Electronics, Fundamentals of Communications.
- Coordinator, Diploma in Telecommunication Engg.
Position: Teaching Assistant-ship,
Period: August 2009 to May 2010
Taught AT77.01(3 credits) Telecommunication Networks and AT77.07(3 credits) Cellular Mobile Systems; Responsible for conducting lectures (8 Hours), tutorials (20 hours), preparing and grading assignments and quizzes for Masters and Ph.D students. Developed hundreds of pages of supplementary course material.
Position: Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator
Period: August 26 to Jan. 15, 2011
- Performed various administrative activities including coordinating examination of Master students
- Student consultation; supervision of bachelor level students for their research.
- Taught Conducted Courses: Physics I, Physics II, Digital Communications, Signal and Linear Systems.
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: January 2011 to December 2011
- Taught Principles of Physics I, Electrical Circuits, Heat and Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, Electricity and Magnetism, Digital Electronics,
- Convener, Examination Committee, Spring 2012.
- Student consultation; supervision of bachelor level students for their research
Position: Assistant Professor.
Period: 19 December 2011 to 19 October 2015
- Taught Signal and System; Data Communication and Computer Network; Telecommunication Systems, Electrical Circuit Lab; Artificial Neural Network Lab; Data Communication and Computer Network Lab, Information Technology Fundamentals
- Member, PhD Examination Committee, January 2014 to December 2014
- Member, Masters Examination Committee, January 2014 to December 2014
- Chairman, 4th Year Examination Committee, January 2013 to December 2014
- Chairman, 1st Year Examination Committee, January 2012 to December 2012
- Editor, JU Journal of Information Technology (JIT)(March 2012 to July 2015)
- Student consultation; supervision of bachelor and master level students for their research
Position: Special Technical Committee
Period: 2021
Position: Conference and Workshop Coordinator
Period: 2020
Position: Immediate Past Chair
Period: 2019
Position: Chair
Period: 2018
Position: Publicity Coordinator
Period: 2017
Position: Humanitarian Activity Coordinator
Period: 2016
Position: Student Activity Coordinator
Period: 2015
Position: Post Doctoral Fellow
Period: September 2016- January 2018
- Crowd Analysis for Transport planning
- Bio-medical big data analytics
Position: Founding Chapter Chair
Period: 2017
Dr. M. Shamim Kaiser
Institute of Information Technology
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: +8801511000555
Work Phone: 2195
Email: mskaiser@juniv.edu
, m.s.kaiser@ieee.org, mskaiser@junv.edu