Dr. Md. Arzu Miah Professor, Department of Chemistry
Dr. Md. Arzu Miah is currently working as a Professor at the Department of Chemistry in Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh. He received his Bachelor's and Master's degrees from the Department of Chemistry of Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh in 1988 and 1989 respectively. He coveted the First Position in the First Class both in BSc (Hon's) and Master's Examinations.
After joing the Department of Chemistry of Jahangirnagar University as a Faculty, He earned his PhD degree from the Institute of Applied and Synthetic Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria in 1999 by The Austrian Acedemic Exchange Service (OEAD) Fellowship. He served as a Postdoc Fellow and Visiting Professor in Department of Chemistry, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, South Korea from 2003-2005. He also worked as a Research Scientist in the Research Institute of King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia in 2009. His current research interests include Synthetic, Characterization and Property Studies of Organometallic Cluster and Carbon Cluster (Fullerene-C60) Compounds and synthesis of nanomaterial’s by top-down or bottom-up methods. In addition to he is also engaged in Analytical /Environmental Chemistry specially focuses on the analytical /environmental problems. He has authored more than 50 papers in different peer-reviewed National and International journals and conferences.
He is directly involved in the following organizations:
Life Member of Bangladesh Chemical Society
Life Member of Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science, (BASS)
Life member of Registered Graduate of Jahangirnagar University
Life member of Alumni Association of Department of Chemistry, Jahangirnagar University
General Member of “Bangladesh Nano Society (BNS)”, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Advanced Organometallic Chemistry, Nano-Chemistry, Analytical /Environmental Chemistry
Kang, H.; Park,B, K; Miah, M. A; Song, H.; Churchill, D. G.; Park, S.;Choi, M. –G.; Park, J. T.;, Syntheses and Characterization of Re3(μ-H)3(CO)9-n (PMe3)n(μ 3-η 2: η 2: η2-C60) (n = 2 and 3) Complexes, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 690, pp.4704-4711., 2005.
Mottalib, M. A.; Begum, N.; Abedin, S. M. T.; Akter, T.; Kabir S. E.; Miah, M. A.; Rokhsana, D.; Rosenberg, E.; Hossain; G. M. G.; Hardcastle, K. I., Reactions of Electron-Deficient Triosmium Clusters with Diazomethane: Electrochemical Properties and Computational Studies of Charge Distribution, Organometallics, 2005, 24, 4747-4759., 2005.
Begum, N.; Kabir, S. E.; Miah, M. A.; G. M. G. Hossain,; Rosenberg, E., Synthesis, Structures and Reactivity of Triosmium Clusters Containing Terminal Pyrazines, Bridging Hydroxy and Methoxycarbonyl Ligands, Polyhedron, 2005, 24, 3074-3080., 2005.
Ahmed, S. J; Hyder, M. I., Kabir, S. E.; Miah M. A.; Deeming, A. J.;. Nordlander E., Dppm-Substituted Ruthenium Clusters with Capping Sulfido and Selenido Ligands Derived from Thiourea, Tetramethyl Thiourea and Elemental Selenium., J. Organomet. Chem. 2006, 691, 309-322., 2006.
B. K, Lee G., Kim, K. H., Kang, H., Lee, C. Y. Miah, M. A.; Jung, J. Young-Kyu Han, Y. –K, Park, J. T., Synthetic, Electrochemical and Theoretical Studies of Tetrairidium Clusters Bearing Mono- and Bis-[60]Fullerene Ligands Park, J. Am. Chem Soc. 2006, 125. 11106-11120, 2006.
Ahmed G.; Miah M. A.; Anwar, H. M.; Chowdhury, D. A.; Ahmad, J. U., Influence of multi-industrial activities on trace metal contamination: An approach towards surface water body in the vicinity of Dhaka Export Processing Zone (DEPZ), Environ. Monit. Assessment, 29 July 2011.
Uddin, M. N.; Begum, N.; Hassan, M. R.; Hogarth, G.; Kabir, S. E.; Miah M. A .; Nordlander, E.; Tocher, D. A, Reactivity of triruthenium thiophyne and furyne clusters: competitive S–C and P–C bond cleavage reactions and the generation of highly unsymmetrical alkyne ligands., Dalton Transaction, pp.6219–6230, 2008.
Miah, M. A.; Hyder M. I; Kabir S. E.; Malik, K.A.M; Mottalib, M. A. and Rosenberg, E, Reactions of Electron-Deficient Clusters of quinolines and quinoxalines with diazomethane,, The 39th IUPAC Congress and 86th Conference of the Canadian Society for Chemistry, Ottawa, Canada, August 10 - 15, 2003.Teaching
Course Code | Course Title | Semester/Year |
Chem-527LH | Advanced Inorganic Lab: Synthesis, Structure and Chemical Analysis of Inorganic Compound | MSc |
Chem-526LF | Advanced Inorganic Lab: Synthesis, Structure and Chemical Analysis of Inorganic Compound | MSc |
Chem-322H | Inorganic Chemistry IV (Selected Topics) | 3rd Year |
Academic Info
Period: 2003-2005
Postdoctoral Fellow: Department of Chemistry, Daejeon, South Korea
Period: 1999
Ph.D. in Chemistry, Vienna, Austria
Period: 1986
M.Sc. in Physical-Inorganic Chemistry, First Class First Position in order of Merit
Period: 1985
B.Sc. Honors in Chemistry, First Class, First Position in order of Merit
Period: 1981
Higher Secondary Certificate, Science Group, Dhaka Board.
Period: 1978
Secondary School Certificate, Science Group, Dhaka Board.
Position: Professor
Period: 29.10.2009 to Till now
Teaching and Research
Position: Vice- Chancellor (Acting)
Period: 16.04.2017 to 23.11.2017
Administration & Management
Position: Research Scientist
Period: 03.08.09 to 28.10.2009
Position: Associate Professor
Period: 11.01.2001 to 28.02.2003
Teaching and Research
Position: Research Associate Professor
Period: 02.03.04 to 31.08.05
Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Period: 02.03.03 to 01.03.04
Position: Lecturer in Chemistry
Period: 27.11.1993 to 25.06.1994
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: 20.10.1996 to 10.01.2001
Teaching and Research
Position: Lecturer
Period: 26.06.1994 to 18.10.1996
Teaching and Research
Position: Scientific Officer
Period: 15.10.1992 to 26.11.1993
Position: Lecturer in Chemistry
Period: 05.05.1990 to 14.10.1992
Position: Proctor
Period: 07/03/ 2009 to 16/01/2012.
Position: Executive member
Period: 2011-2012
Position: Executive member
Period: 2010-2011
Position: Elected Senate Member
Period: 2010
Position: Elected Syndicate Member
Period: 2010
Position: Provost
Period: 2010
Shahed Rafiq-Jabber Hall, Jahangirnagar University
Position: Elected General Secretary
Period: 2010
Position: Executive member
Period: 2010
Dr. Md. Arzu Miah
Department of Chemistry
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: +8801732150725, +8801844988420
Email: mamiah@juniv.edu
, mamiah@gmail.com