Dr. K. M. Mahiuddin Professor, Department of Government & Politics
I received a PhD in Political Science from the University of Heidelberg, Germany. During my doctoral program, I worked in a research project with an international research team at the University of Heidelberg. I have been teaching in the Department of Government and Politics at Jahangirnagar University since 2000. In addition to teaching, I have worked on various consultancies specializing in parliament and political parties for organizations such as UNDP, Asia Foundation, and local NGOs.
Legislative Process, political party management,e-Governance, Disability and Rehabilitation
All Publications
Publications and Research Works
Structure, Procedures and Functions of the Bangladesh Parliament,
The Parliamentary Committee System in Bangladesh: An Analysis of its Functioning, VDM Verlag, Germany, 2009
Women Representation in Union Parishad, Dhaka: Nari Progti Shanga, 2001(in Bengali).
Journal Papers/Book Chapters
· “ICT in Bangladesh Police Reform Program: An Assessment”, Asian Studies: Journal of the Department of Government & Politics, No.35, June 2016, pp 37-48.
- “E-service Delivery: the Role of the Community Information Centre”, funded by Bangladesh University Grant Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2011.
- ˝Enabling E-Services for Rural Community through Union Information and Service Centers (UISCs)”, Asian Studies: Jahangirnagar University Journal of Government and Politics, Vol 32, 2013(co-author).
· “Websites of Political Parties: Case of Bangladesh”, Asian Studies: Jahangirnagar University Journal of Government and Politics, Vol 31, 2012(co-author).
· “Governance: A Way Forward to Digital Bangladesh”, Asian Studies: Jahangirnagar University Journal of Government and Politics, Vol 30, 2011(co-author).
Parliament and Political Parties
“Candidate Selection Process in the Ninth Parliamentary Elections in Bangladesh”, in Al Masud Hasanuzzaman and Shamsul Alam (eds), Political Management in Bangladesh, Dhaka: A H Development Publishing House, 2010.
“Electoral Campaign in Bangladesh: An Analysis of the Ninth Parliamentary Election”, funded by Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, 2010.
“Overseeing Public Spending in Bangladesh: Role of the Parliamentary Financial Committees”, Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, Vol. XVI, No. 1, 2007, pp. 57-72.
“Working of Parliament in Bangladesh: The Case of Eighth Jatiya Sangsad”, Asian Studies: Journal of the Department of Government & Politics, No.26, June 2007.
“Political Parties in Bangladesh: Authoritarian Hierarchy and Puzzle of Democracy”, funded by the Faculty of Social Science, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, 2007.
“Role of Parliamentary Parties in Bundestag and Jatiya Sangsad: An Analysis”, Asian Studies: Journal of the Department of Government & Politics, No.25, June 2006.
“Parliamentary Support Services in Bangladesh: An Overview”, the Jahangirnagar Review, Part II, Social Science, Vol. XXIX, 2005.
Local Government and NGOs
“Local Government and National Politics: Perspective of Union Parishad, Lokaprasasana Samayiki”, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Vol. 20, august 2002, (in Bengali).
“Political Empowerment of women and the participation in Union Parishad in Bangladesh”, in Al Masud Hassanuzzaman (ed.), Women in Bangladesh: Present Position and Development Perspective, University Press Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2002 (in Bengali).
“Participation of the Rural Poor in conflict Resolution and the Role of NGOs”, Shomaj Nirrikhan (a Journal of Social Studies), Vol.73, 1999, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh( in Bengali).
“Reforms of Local Dispute Resolution System (Shalish) in the Rural Areas of Bangladesh: Madaripure Legal Association A case Study”, funded by Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, 2002.
‘Rohingya’, Banglapedia: National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh, Dhaka: Bangladesh Asiatic Society, 2012.
K. M. Mahiuddin, Political Development and Social Change, Bangladesh Open University, 2022-2023.German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Fellowship, 2002-2003, The Parliamentary Committee System in Bangladesh: An Analysis of its Functioning, VDM Verlag, Germany, 2009.
Course Code | Course Title | Semester/Year |
GP 602 | Political Theories:Changes and Continues | 2023-2024 |
GP 509 | E-governance | 2022-23 |
GP 406 | Legislative Process in Bangladesh | 2023-24 |
Academic Info
Period: 2003-2009
Last Degree:
- Ph. D in political science, Degree obtained in 2009, Thesis Title: The Parliamentary Committee System in Bangladesh: An Analysis of its Functioning
- DAAD (Germany) Fellow
- Visiting Professor (2018), Kobe-Gakuin University, Japan.
- Senate Member, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
Position: Supervisor
Name of Ph D Candidate: Oli Ahmed
Disertation Title: Impact of Training on Sericulture Cultivation and the Living Standards of Farmers in Bholahat Region
Status: Waiting for Confirmation
Name of Ph D Candidate: Shahnowas Dilruba Khan
Disertation Title: Influence of Money and Power: A Study on Rape Victims
Status: Waiting for Confirmation
Name of Ph D Candidate: Farzana Yeasmin
Disertation Title: Inculsove Education for Special Needs Students: A Study on Selected Schools
Status: Waiting for Confirmation
Name of Ph D Candidate: Md. Azam-E- Sadat
Disertation Title: Primary Health Care System in Rural Bangladesh
Status: Waiting for Confirmation
Name of Ph D Candidate: SM Kamrul Hassan Bulbul, Disertaion
Disertation Title: Internet Usage in Political Communication: A Study on Selected Political Parties of Bangladesh,
Degree Awarded: Decmber 2022
Name of Ph D Candidate: Ms. Azmira Bilkis, Disertaion
Disertation Title: Female Return Migrants and the Challenge of Reintegration: A Case Study of Returnees of Manikganj District,
Degree Awarded: April 2022
Name of Ph D Candidate: Mohammad Mahbub Hasan, Disertaion
Disertation Title: Cyber Crime Justice System in Bangladesh : Functioning of the Cyber Tribunal,
Degree Awarded: November 2021
Name of Ph D Candidate: Ms. Shuriya Farzana, Disertaion
Disertation Title: Maternal Health in Bangladesh: A Study on eHealth Service Delivery,
Degree Awarded: November 2018
Name of Ph D Candidate: Jahangir Alom
Disertation Title: Role of Sicial Bussiness in Changing Economic Conditions of Rural Framers: A Case Study of Grameen Euglena
Degree Awarded: November 2018
Name of Ph D Candidate: Shah Md. Safiul Hoque, Disertaion
Disertation Title: E-Service Delivery In Bangladesh: A Study On Selected Union Digital Centers,
Degree Awarded: November 2016
Position: Team Member of Scientific Research Project
Collaborative Research Project
Project Title: A Comprehensive Study of Educational Assistance, Welfare, and Social Inclusion for Disabled Children and Students in Bangladesh
Funding Authority: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan
Grant: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI)
Project Duration: 2021-2024
Project Overview:
The research project, generously funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan through the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI), aims to conduct a comprehensive study on educational assistance, welfare, and social inclusion for disabled children and students in Bangladesh.
Position: Convenor
Curriculum Development
As the Convenor of the Departmental Curriculum Development Committee, I have taken on a leadership role in shaping the academic direction of our department. This crucial responsibility involves strategic planning, collaboration with faculty members, and ensuring that our curriculum aligns with the evolving needs of our students and the dynamic landscape of our field.
Curriculum Innovation: Innovated and developed courses in Political Science, encompassing advanced topics such as: Comparative Legislative Process; E-governance Policy and Strategy; Disability Rights and Inclusive Development; Bangladesh: State, Society, and Culture; and Applied Research Methods
Technological Integration: Incorporated cutting-edge technological advancements into the curriculum, ensuring students are well-prepared for the demands of the digital era.
Enhanced Student Engagement: Introduced dynamic courses and projects that have significantly elevated student participation and fostered enthusiasm for the subject matter.
Contributed to the Advancement of the Department's Reputation: Played a key role in elevating the department's reputation through the implementation of innovative and forward-looking curriculum initiatives.
Expert Consultant for Curriculum Review
In my capacity as an expert to assess the curriculum of various universities, I bear the critical responsibility of leveraging my expertise to enhance academic programs across institutions. This role necessitates meticulous evaluation and the formulation of strategic recommendations.
Position: Visiting Professor
Visiting Professorship (November-December 2018)
Expanding my horizons, I accepted the opportunity to teach as a Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Social Rehabilitation, Kobe Gakuin University, Japan. This international engagement not only enriched my own perspective but also facilitated cross-cultural academic exchange, contributing to the global discourse in Government and Politics.
Academic Employment Journey
Lecturer (2000 – 2003)
My academic journey commenced in 1997 when I embarked on my teaching career as a Lecturer. In this foundational role, I laid the groundwork for imparting knowledge and fostering academic curiosity among students. During this period, I actively engaged with diverse topics within the field of Government and Politics, cultivating a passion for effective pedagogy.
Assistant Professor (2003-2009)
As an Assistant Professor in the Department of Government and Politics, my role extends beyond traditional teaching responsibilities. I actively contribute to the academic environment, blending research, mentorship, and provide guidance and mentorship to undergraduate and graduate students.
Associate Professor (2009-2013)
Following the successful completion of my Ph.D from University of Heidelberg and a period of dedicated academic service, I am pleased to have been promoted to the position of Associate Professor. During this period lead graduate students in collaborative research projects, fostering a culture of interdisciplinary collaboration.
Departmental Leadership (2010-2013)
From 2010 to 2013, I assumed the role of Chairman at the Department of Government and Politics at Jahangirnagar University. This leadership position allowed me to shape the academic direction of the department, implementing strategies for curriculum enhancement, faculty development, and fostering a vibrant learning environment.
Professorship Attainment (2013)
In 2013, I achieved the significant milestone of becoming a Professor of Government and Politics. This elevation marked a progression in my commitment to academia, enabling me to delve deeper into advanced subjects, guide research initiatives, and contribute meaningfully to the academic community.
Position: Coordinator
The CGS organizes seminars, workshop, lectures on vital issues of national, regional and global concerns. The CGS conduct public opinion surveys on significant socio-economic and political aspects and issues of Bangladesh. Based on research works the CGS publishes books, papers, monographs, reports, brochures and bulletins on a regular basis.
Position: Project Director
Period: February-May 2023
Traditional Justice System in Chittagong Hill Tracts
Position: Head, Program Self Assessment Committee
Period: 2021-23
Developing OBE based Curriculum
Position: Research Advisor
Period: 2021-2024
Study Project Title- “A Comprehensive Study of Educational Assistance , Welfare, and Social Inclusion for Disabled Children and Students in Bangladesh", Funded by Authority- Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI).
Dr. K. M. Mahiuddin
Department of Government & Politics
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: +88017-26397269
Email: mahiuddin@juniv.edu
, mahiuddin2007@gmail.com