Prof. Dr. Khondaker Mohammod Shariful Huda Professor, Department of Geography & Environment
Date of Birth : 22nd March, 1968.
Marital Status : Married (Spouse: Fathema Zhura Khatoon Aliza; DoB:2nd March, 1969)
Children : Twin sons (Khondaker Md. Shaherul Huda&Khondaker Md. Shamerul Huda;DoB:19th April, 1999)
Interest : Sports, Travelling abroad (Visited countries: UK, USA, Switzerland, France, Italy, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bhutan), Social Work.
Key Qualifications:
I am a specialist on Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning System (GPS) and Remote Sensing for Environment and Resource Management, Water Resource Management and Disaster Management having extensive field experience and advanced computing skills. I am highly experienced in the use of most of the GIS, GPS and IAS (Image Analysis System). As recognition of my bright career and through a tough competition, I was nominated by the Bangladesh Government and was awarded DFID Scholarship for Masters in Geographical Information for Development in 1995 and by the Commonwealth Academic Staff Scholarship Commission for doing a prestigious doctoral programme in the UK. As a result, I have completed PhD on “Detecting and Monitoring Water Resources at Local and Regional Levels for Environment, Planning and Development of Bangladesh using GIS-RS Technology” in the Department of Geography of University of Durham. I also have experience of Honorary Research Fellowship at Durham University and I have used RS images named CORONA Spy Satellite films, IRS-1d (Indian Satellite Programme), Aerial Photographs, Landsat TM and MSS, SPOT-Pan and ERS1, SAR-C Radar image for detecting and monitoring changes of small water bodies. The research also focuses on how to integrate Socio-economic data collected through Field work using different participatory methods with RS and GIS for environmental planning and development. Apart from university teaching and Research, I have engaged myself in different social and youth development program. I have contributed towards personal development of young awardees aged group 14-25 under The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Program and running the National Award Authority Office as CEO with designation of National Director
Research Methodology, GIS and Remote Sensing in Water Resource Management, Forest Resource Management, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Gender Development.
Prof. Dr. Khondaker Mohammod Shariful Huda,Part-time Teaching Experience at Durham University (UK):
· Research Fellow: Small Water Bodies in Bangladesh. 2005.
· Post-Graduate: Dissertation Surgery, GIS for Development and Spatial Information Technology ( 2000-2003).
· Undergraduate: Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing at Levels 2 & 3 (During 2000-2004);
· Summer School: Remote Sensing and GIS in the Dept of Geography (2001-2003)
Part Time Teaching In COUNTRY
Dept of Environmental Sciences (Founder Head), University of South Asia, Banani, Dhaka-1213.
Dept of Environmental Sciences and Resources Management, Maulana Bhasani Science and Technology University.
Dept of Criminology and Police Science, Maulana Bhasani Science and Technology University, Tangail.
Dept. of Urban and Regional Planning, Jahangirnagar University.
Dept. Business Administration, Jahangirnagar University.
Teaching and Research Responsibilities at Jahangirnagar University (BD):
· Research methods at Undergraduate, Postgraduate and M. Phil. levels;
· Water Resource Management and Hydrology at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels;
· Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing Courses at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels;
· Climate Change and Disaster Management at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels;
· Gender, Development and Environment at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels;
· Quantitative and Statistical Techniques in Geography;
· Development, Environment and Socio-economic Studies;
· Management Information System (MIS) in MBA and GIS & RS in Urban and Regional Planning Department;
· Supervisions of PhD and M.Sc. Research on Environmental Issues, Water Resources, Disaster, Forest Resources, Child and Youth, Women and Gender.
Prof. Dr. Khondaker Mohammod Shariful Huda,Part-time Teaching Experience at Durham University (UK):
· Research Fellow: Small Water Bodies in Bangladesh. 2005.
· Post-Graduate: Dissertation Surgery, GIS for Development and Spatial Information Technology ( 2000-2003).
· Undergraduate: Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing at Levels 2 & 3 (During 2000-2004);
· Summer School: Remote Sensing and GIS in the Dept of Geography (2001-2003)
Part Time Teaching In COUNTRY
Dept of Environmental Sciences (Founder Head), University of South Asia, Banani, Dhaka-1213.
Dept of Environmental Sciences and Resources Management, Maulana Bhasani Science and Technology University.
Dept of Criminology and Police Science, Maulana Bhasani Science and Technology University, Tangail.
Dept. of Urban and Regional Planning, Jahangirnagar University.
Dept. Business Administration, Jahangirnagar University.
Teaching and Research Responsibilities at Jahangirnagar University (BD):
· Research methods at Undergraduate, Postgraduate and M. Phil. levels;
· Water Resource Management and Hydrology at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels;
· Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing Courses at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels;
· Climate Change and Disaster Management at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels;
· Gender, Development and Environment at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels;
· Quantitative and Statistical Techniques in Geography;
· Development, Environment and Socio-economic Studies;
· Management Information System (MIS) in MBA and GIS & RS in Urban and Regional Planning Department;
· Supervisions of PhD and M.Sc. Research on Environmental Issues, Water Resources, Disaster, Forest Resources, Child and Youth, Women and Gender.
Prof. Dr. Khondaker Mohammod Shariful Huda,
1. Huda, K. M. Shamerul., Huda, K. M. Shaherul., Huda, K. M. S., and Moniruzzaman, Sk., (2023), The Effects of Social Interaction and Communication on the Improvement of Communication Proficiency in Bangladesh; The Jahangirnagar Review: Part II: Social Science, Vol. 48, No. 01, Faculty of Social Sciences, Jahangirnagar University. Dhaka, Pp. 159-256, ISSN 1682-7422. (Accepted)
2. Huda, K. M. Shaherul., Huda, K. M. Shamerul., Huda, K. M. S., and Moniruzzaman, Sk., (2023), Analysis of Social Media Marketing Impact on Consumer Behavior during COVID-19 in Bangladesh vs Malaysia; COVID-19: Social Science Perspectives, ISBN: 978-984-35-5195-5; (Ch-14, Pp-271-280); Faculty of Social Sciences, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342.
3. Alim, A., Huda, K. M. S., and Moniruzzaman, Sk., (2023), Evaluation of the Different Interpolation Methods to Visualize the Temperature Variability of Bangladesh By Using GIS And RS; The Jahangirnagar Review: Part II: Social Science, Vol. 47, No. 01, Faculty of Social Sciences, Jahangirnagar University. Dhaka, Pp. 159-256, ISSN 1682-7422.
4. Moniruzzaman, Sk., Hossain, M., Rabbi, F., Reza, M. S., and Huda, K. M. S., (2022), Monitoring Water Quality and Pollution of Shitalakhsa River: A Study on Narayanganj Bondor Upazila; University of South Asia Journal, Volume # 06 & 07, Issue # 01 (2020-2021), Pp. 13-26, University of South Asia, Banani, Dhaka-1213. ISSN: 2411-3077.
5. Alim, A., Huda, K. M. S., and Moniruzzaman, Sk., (2021), Impacts of Ecotourism on Forest and Biodiversity Conservation: A Geographical Assessment on Sitakunda Ecopark and Dulhazara Safari Park, Jahangirnagar Bishwavidyalay Bhugol O Paribesh Samikkhan, Volume-40/2021, Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh (In Bengali), pp 35-42, ISSN 1027-8567.
6. Huda, K. M. S., Moniruzzaman, S. and Reza, S. M. (2019). Monitoring Physiochemical Parameters of Turag River Water near Tongi Industrial Area; University of South Asia Journal, Volume # 05, Issue # 01 (December, 2020), Pp. 1-08, University of South Asia, Banani, Dhaka-1213. ISSN: 2411-3077.
7. Huda, K. M. S., and Saha, D. R. (2018). Women Empowerment and Role of Education; University of South Asia Journal, Volume # 04, Issue # 01 (December, 2019), Pp. 1-10, University of South Asia, Banani, Dhaka-1213. ISSN: 2411-3077.
8. Huda, K.M..S., and Omar, M.Z.U. (2017). Land Use and Forest Cover Mapping of Jaldi Beat and Banshkhali Eco-Park in Chunati Wildlife Sanctuary, Journal of the Bangladesh National Geographical Association (BNGA), Vol. 40, No. 1&2 (2011). Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, pp.17-34. ISSN:1811-0266.
9. Huda, K.M..S., Asaduzzaman, M. and Rashid, M.S. (2017). Remote Sensing and GIS for Analysis the Changes of Forest Types of Manikchhari Upazila from 1978 - 2009, Journal of the Bangladesh National Geographical Association (BNGA), Vol. 39, No. 1&2 (2011). Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, pp. 1-14. ISSN:1811-0266.
10. Huda, K. M. S., Moniruzzaman, S. and Karim, T. (2017). Potentiality of Tank Based Rainwater Harvesting System to Meet Household Water Demand in Six-Story Building of Bashundhara Residential Area in Dhaka City; University of South Asia Journal, Volume # 03, Issue # 01 (December, 2017), Pp. 125-131, University of South Asia, Banani, Dhaka-1213. ISSN: 2411-3077.
11. Huda, K. M. S., Anjum, H. and Moniruzzaman, S. (2017). Spatial Distribution and Major Characteristics of Different Surface Water Bodies: A Case Study on Jessore Municipality; University of South Asia Journal, Volume # 03, Issue # 01 (December, 2017), Pp. 01-10, University of South Asia, Banani, Dhaka-1213. ISSN: 2411-3077.
12. Huda, K. M. S., Moniruzzaman, S. and Reza, S. M. (2016). Analysis of Surface Water Quality Parameters With Standards: A Case Study on Gulshan-Banani Lake; University of South Asia Journal, Volume # 02, Issue # 01 (December, 2016), Pp. 01-10, University of South Asia, Banani, Dhaka-1213. ISSN: 2411-3077.
13. Huda, K. M. S., Moniruzzaman, S. and Pradhan, F. E. (2015). Sources, Uses, Significance and Management of Water Resources: A Case Study on Sadar Upazila Under Jessore District; Rabindra Journal, Volume # 26, Issue (Nobanno) # 01 (January, 2015), page-(143-151), World Poet Robindranath Institute of Agriculture Technology, Naogon. ISSN: 2477-1714.
14. Huda, K. M. S., and Sharmin, R. (2015). Forest Cover Mapping and Change Detection in Chunati Wildlife Sanctuary; University of South Asia Journal, Volume # 01, Issue # 01 (August, 2015), Pp. 13-23, University of South Asia, Banani, Dhaka-1213. ISSN: 2411-3077.
15. Huda, K. M. S., Sharmin, R. and Sharif, AHM. R. (2014), Mapping of Land Use and Forest Cover Monitoring of Harbang Beat under Chunati Wildlife Sanctuary, Cox’s Bazar, Bhugol Patrika, Volume-32/2013-14, Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka – 1342, Bangladesh (In Bengali), Page . ISSN 1027-8567.
16. Huda, K. M. S., and Anjum, H. (2014), Wetland Degradation and Management: A Case Study on Ashulia Union, Bhugol Patrika, Volume-32/2013-14, Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka – 1342, Bangladesh (In Bengali), Page . ISSN 1027-8567.
17. Huda, K. M. S., and Iqbal, Q. S. (2014) South-West Area Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management: An Apprisal of Narail Sub-project, Jahangirnagar Review, Part II, Vol. XXXIV/2010, Social Sciences Faculty, Jahangirnagar University. ISSN 1682-422.
18. Huda, K. M. S., Haque, M. A. and Saika, U. (2013) Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques for Detecting Temporal Changes of Small Water Bodies in Ghiduari Mouza of Atpara Upazila, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences (IJETCAS), ISSN(Online): 2279-0055; ISSN(Print): 2279-0047, Georgia, USA.
19. Huda, K. M. S., Moniruzzaman, S. and Iqbal, Q. S (2013), An Assessment of Water Resources Management: A Case Study on Sadar Upazila under Jessore District, Bhugol Patrika, Volume-31/2012-13, Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka – 1342, Bangladesh (In Bengali), Page . ISSN 1027-8567.
20. Huda, K. M. S. and Bari, R. (2013) An Appraisal of Geographical knowledge in Southeast part of bangladesh: A Study on Cox’s Bazar and Bandarban District, Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN-13:978-3-659-30549-8, ISBN-10: 3659305499, EAN: 9783659305498, In English.
21. Huda, K. M. S. and Bari, R. (2012) Watershed Management for Rural Development-A Case Study on Pathalia Union, Savar, Dhaka, Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN-13:978-3-659-30549-8, ISBN-10: 3659305499, EAN: 9783659305498, In English.
22. Huda, K. M. S., Saika, U. and Arfin, M. (2012) Causes of Water Logging and Its Effect on Women A Case Study on Dhaka City (Ward no. 53) in Bangladesh, Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN-13: 978-3-659-26400-9, ISBN-10: 3659264008, EAN: 9783659264009.
23. Huda, K. M. S. and Moniruzzaman, S. (2012) Water Resources Management in Bangladesh A Case Study on Jessore Sadar Upazila Under KJDRP, Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN-13:978-33-659-20761-7,ISBN-10:3659207616, EAN:9783659207617
24. Huda, K. M. S. and Haque, M. A. (2012) Spatial Distribution, Changes and Uses of Small Water Bodies, A Case Study on Ghiduari Mouza in Netrokona District of Bangladesh, Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN-13: 978-3-659-21064-8,ISBN-10: 3659210641,EAN: 9783659210648.
25. Huda, K. M. S. and Iqbal, Q. S. (2012), Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management: An Evaluation on Narail Sub-Project, Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN-13:978-3-659-20149-3, ISBN-10:3659201499, EAN: 9783659201493, In English.
26. Huda, K. M. S., Saika, U. and Mahara, N. (2012) Coping and Adapting Strategies of Women to Survive from Disaster A Case Study on South Western Part of Satkhira District in Bangladesh Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN-13:978-3-659-15985-5,ISBN-10:3659159859, EAN: 97836591598
27. Huda, K.M.S, Hoque, M. A. and Saika, U. (2012). Spatial Distribution, Changes, Uses and Water Quality of Small Water Bodies in Ghiduari Mouza of Netrokona District, Jahangirnagar University Environmental Bulletin, Volume-01, Department of Environmental Science, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka – 1342, Bangladesh, Page 01- 13. ISSN 1996-8914.
28. Huda, K. M. S., Sultana, S. and Saika, U. (2012) Flood Devastation and its Impact on Women in Sirajganj District: Coping and Adapting Strategies, Bhugol Patrika, Volume-30/2011, Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka – 1342, Bangladesh (In Bengali), Page 39-61. ISSN 1027-8567.
29. Huda, K. M. S., Iqbal, Q. S. (2012) Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies: Climate Change Induced Flood and Riverbank Erosion, Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN-13: 978-3-8465-3636-0.ISBN-10: 3846536369, EAN: 9783846536360, In English.
30. Huda, K. M. S., Sheikh, S. M. and Saika, U. (2011) The Seasonal Variation of Water Quality of Tongi khal and Its Environmental Consequences, Bhugal Patrika (A Journal of Geography), Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, No. 29-2010. ISSN 1027-8567, pp 11-23, (In Bengali).
31. Huda, K. M. S. And Mahmud, K. H. (2011) Industrial Waste Disposal and Environmental Pollution: case Point BSCIC Industrial Estate, Tongi, Gazipur, Oriental Geographer, Vol. 52, No. 1&2, The Bangladesh Geographical Society, Dhaka. pp. 25-43.
32. Huda, K. M. S., Hafsa, B. and Mahmud, K.H. (2011) Disaster identification and Mitigation in Haor Area: A Case Study on Companigonj Upazila, Sylhet, Bhugol O Paribash Journal, No. 7, Department of Geography & Environment, Dhaka University, pp. 25-41. (In Bengali).
33. Huda, K. M. S., Rashid, H.and Saika, U. (2010) Industrial Pollution and Urban Environment: A Case Study of Narayangonj Pourashava, Jahangirnagar Planning Review Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, No. 8-2010. ISSN 1728-4198, pp 85-94.
34. Huda, K. M. S., and Haque, M. A. (2010) Spatial Distribution, Changes and Uses of Small Water Bodies in Ghiduari Mouza of Netrokona District, Bhugal Patrika (A Journal of Geography), Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, No. 28-2009. ISSN 1027-8567, pp 31-44, (In Bengali).
35. Huda, K.M..S., Taznin, A. and Khatoon, F. Z. (2010) Women Oppression, Torture and Violence: A Case Study on Savar Paurashava, Journal of the Bangladesh National Geographical Association (BNGA), Vol. 35, No. 1&2 (2007). Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, pp. 13-28.
36. Huda, K. M. S., Taznin, A., and Khatoon, F. Z. (2010) Women Status, Vulnerability and Preparedness in River Bank Erosion, Bhugal Patrika (A Journal of Geography), Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, No. 28-2009. ISSN 1027-8567, pp 31-44, (In Bengali).
37. Huda, K.M..S., Islam, M. N and Mahsum, A. (2010) River Bank Erosion and Channel Shifting of the Megna River: A Case Study of Ramgati Thana in Laksmipur, Journal of the Bangladesh National Geographical Association (BNGA), Vol. 35, No. 1&2 (2007). Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, pp. 13-28.
38. Huda, K. M. S., Atkins, P. J., Donoghue, D. N. M. and Cox, N. J. (2010) Small Water Bodies in Bangladesh, AREA, Royal Geographical Society (BGS) with The Institute of British Geographers, Vol. 42, No. 2, London, pp. 217-227.
39. Huda, K. M. S., Saika, U and Khatoon, F. Z. (2009) Surface Water Quality of Dhaka City and Its Environmental Impacts, International Seminar on “Water Crisis in the Indian Subcontinent: Issues and Challenges”, North Eastern Hill University, Department of Geography, Permanent Campus, Shillong-793 002.
40. Huda, K. M. S, Taznin, A., Khatoon, F. Z., and. Alam, M. (2009) Water Logging: Women Vulnerability and Responsibility, International Seminar on “Water Crisis in the Indian Subcontinent: Issues and Challenges”, North Eastern Hill University, Department of Geography, Permanent Campus, Shillong-793 002.
41. Huda, K. M. S., Saika, U and Chowdhury, D. A. (2009) Surface Water Quality of Dhaka City and Its Environmental Impacts, Jahangirnagar Review, Part II, Vol. XXXII-2008, Social Sciences Faculty, Jahangirnagar University. Dhaka, pp. 235-250.
42. Huda, K. M. S., Taznin, A., and Khatoon, F. Z. (2009) Spatial Analysis of Oppression, Torture and Violence on Women, Bhugal Patrika (A Journal of Geography), Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, No. 27-2008. ISSN 1027-8567, pp 17-36, (In Bengali).
43. Huda, K. M. S., Rashid, O. H. and Shirif, A. H. M. R. (2009) Small Tea Cultivation for Alleviation: A Case Study of Tetulia Thana, Bhugal Patrika (A Journal of Geography), Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, No. 27-2008. ISSN 1027-8567, pp 118-134 (In Bengali).
44. Huda, K. M. S., Islam, M. N. and Khan, Z. (2008) Changing Trends of Cross Sectional Morphology of the Padma River, Jahangirnagar Review, Part II, Vol. XXXI, Social Sciences Faculty, Jahangirnagar University.
45. Huda, K. M. S., , Sharif, A. H. M. R. and Mahmud, A.H. (2008) Transport and Communiction Mode in Savar Pourasava: A Case Study, Bhugol Patrika, No. 26, Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka (In Bengali).
46. Huda, K. M. S., Khatoon, F. Z. and Faruk, A. K. M. I. (2008) Earthquake Risks of Bangladesh and Earthquake Disaster Management, Bhugol Patrika, No. 26-2007, Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka (In Bengali).
47. Huda, K. M. S., Awal, M. A. and Hossain, M. A. (2008) Various Organization Initiatives to Control Monga: A case Study on Gangachara Upazila of Rangpur District, Bhugol Patrika, No. 26-2007, Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Pp- 224-251, (In Bengali).
48. Huda, K. M. S. and Hossain, M. A. (2007) Role of Micro Credit Institutions in the Development of Socio-economic Conditions: A Case Study on Sadar Thana, Rajbari District, Bhugol O Paribash Journal, No. 6, Department of Geography and Environment, Dhaka University, Dhaka, pp. 63-84. (In Bengali).
49. Huda, K. M. S. and Saleheen, M. S. (2007) Child Issues in Bangladesh: An Encyclopaedia of Children, Greenwood Publications, USA..
50. Huda, K. M. S., Awal, A. and Islam, M. N. (2007) An Emperical Study on Bank Erosion and Channel Shifting of the Padma River, Jahangirnagar Review, No. , Social Sciences Faculty, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka.
51. Huda, K. M. S., Farooq, A. K. M. I, Sharif, A. H. M. R. and Islam, N. (2006) Socioeconomic Condition of Women Worker at Garments Industry, Bhugol Patrika, No. 25, Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, pp. 58-68.
52. Huda, K. M. S., Awal, A. and Islam, M. N. (2006) An Emperical Study on Bank Erosion and Channel Shifting of the Padma River, Bhugol Patrika, No. 25, Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, pp. 1-15. (In Bengali).
53. Huda, K. M. S. and Alam, M. J. (2006) Small Water Bodies of Modonpur Mouza, Monirampur Upazila, Jessore, Journal of The Bangladesh National Geographical Association, Vol. 34, No. 1&2, Bangladesh National Geographical Association, pp.43-52.
54. Huda, K. M. S., Donoghue, D. N. M. and Atkins, P. J. (2006) Monitoring and Spatial Mapping of Small Water Bodies Using GIS and Remote Sensing, Oriental Geographer, Vol. 50, No. 2, The Bangladesh Geographical Society, Dhaka.
55. Huda, K. M. S. (2006) South Asian Association For Regional Cooperation (SAARC): At A Glance, SAARC Study Tour 2006, Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, pp. 18-23.
56. Huda, K. M. S. and Atkins, J. (2005) The Creation and Uses of Small Water Bodies In Bangladesh: Case Study of Shahjadpur Thana, Indian Journal of Landscape Systems and EcologicalStudies, Vol. 28, No. 2, Institute of Landscape, Ecology & Ekistics, Kolkata.
57. Huda, K. M. S. (2005) Distribution and Uses of Small Water Bodies in Paschim Kharua Mouza of shahjadpur Upazila, Bhugol Patrika, No. 24, Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, pp. 16-27. (In Bengali).
58. Huda, K. M. S. (2003) Detecting Small water Bodies Using Remote Sensing: A Case Study of Shahjadpur Thana, Siranjgonj District, Bangladesh, Abstract published in the One Day Annual Student Meeting on Spatial Perspective, (Paper presented and awarded for Best Paper Presenter, 25 March, 2003), UK Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society, Nottingham University, UK.
59. Huda, K. M. S., Sharmin, A. and Ansari, M. N. A. (2002) Role of WASA in Water Supply and Sewerage: A Case Study on Dhaka City, Bhugol Patrika, No. 20, Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, pp. 39-53. (In Bengali)
60. Huda, K. M. S. and Saleheen, M. (2001) The Vulnerability Of Women In Disaster Prone Areas In Bangladesh, Proceeding of International Conference On Disaster: Issues and Gender Perspectives (paper presented, July 23-24, 2000), Bangladesh Geographical Society, Department of Geography and Environment, Dhaka University, Dhaka.
61. Huda, K. M. S., Islam, M. N. and Ali, M. M. (2000) Relative Change of Rainfall: A Case Study On Chittagong, Bhugol Patrika, No. 18, Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, pp. . (In Bengali)
62. Huda, K. M. S., Karim, S. A. and Islam, M. N. (2000) Impact Of Flood Control Embankment of Dhaka City: A Geo-Environmental Study, Bhugol Patrika, No. 18, Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, pp. . (In Bengali)
63. Huda, K. M. S. (1999) Use of GIS in Archeological Research, Pratnatatho, Department of Archaeology, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, pp. 35-44. (In Bengali)
64. Huda, K. M. S. and Islam, S. T. (1999) Mapping the Crop Suitability: Determination of Suitable Areas For Tobacco Cultivation in Bangladesh Using GIS, Bhugol Patrika, No. 17, Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, pp. 59-67. (In Bengali)
65. Huda, K. M. S., Islam, N. and Islam, S. T. (1999) An Analysis of Socio-economic Status of Shrimp Farmers and the Environmental Aspects of Shrimp Farming: A Case Study of Rampal Thana, Bagerhat District, Bhugol Patrika, No. 17, Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, pp. 78-89. (In Bengali)
66. Huda, K. M. S. (1998) GIS and Urban Environmental Degradation Caused by Industrial Pollution: A Case Study of Hazaribagh Taneries in Dhaka City, Abstract published in the souvenir of Eighth National Geographical Conference: 21st Century:Status of Geography and the Challenges Ahead (11-13 March, 1998), Bangladesh National Geographical Association (BNGA), Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
67. Huda, K. M. S. (1997) Geographical Information System and Agriculture in Bangladesh, Oriental Geographer, Vol. 41, No. 1, The Bangladesh Geographical Society, Dhaka.
68. Huda, K. M. S. (1997) A Step Advance on Information World: GIS, Sanchari, 1st Year, No. 3, Ishaq Printers, Dhaka, pp. 42-45. (In Bengali)
69. Huda, K. M. S. (1996) Applying GIS in Coastal Zone Monitoring, Abstract published in the souvenir of Nineteenth Bangladesh Science Conference (Section V: Geology and Geography), Bangladesh Association For The Advancement Of Science (BAAS), Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
70. Huda, K. M. S. (1996) Using GIS to Identify Less Privileged Areas In Dhaka District, Bangladesh, Atkins, P. J. and Alam, M. S. (Edited), INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, Environment and Development in Bangladesh, Department of Geography, University of Durham, UK, pp. 33-41.
71. Huda, K. M. S. (1996) Applying GIS and Remote Sensing To Coastal Zone Monitoring, Atkins, P. J. and Alam, M. S. (Edited), INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, Environment and Development in Bangladesh, Department of Geography, University of Durham, United Kingdom, pp. 59-66.
72. Huda, K. M. S. (1995) Cyclonic Hazard In Bangladesh, Abstract published in the souvenir of National Colloquium on Human Response To Natural Hazards: Indian Perspectives (Paper presented, July 29-30, 1995), The Geographical Society of India, Calcutta.
73. Huda, K. M. S. and Rashid, M. S. (1994) Geographical Information System (GIS): A Discussion, Bhugol Patrika, No. 13, Dept of Geography, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, pp. 35-44. (In Bengali)
74. Huda, K. M. S. and Rashid, M. S. (1994) Book Review on Global Issues of Our Time (Edited by Dr. John Lidstone, Australia: Cambridge University Press, 1995, pp. VI=170, ISBN 0-521-42163-2, Bhugol Patrika, No. 13, Dept of Geography, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, pp. 35-44. (In Bengali)
75. Huda, K. M. S. and Bhuiya, A. H. (1993) Relation Between Medial Islands and Channel Width of The Braiding Jamuna, Abstract published in the Proceedings of Third Conference On Geomorphology, Ontario, Canada, p. 101.
76. Huda, K. M. S. and Bhuiya, A. H. (1992) Prediction of Potential Rainfall from Tropical Cyclone, Bhugol Patrika, No. 11, Dept of Geography, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, pp. 23-36. (In Bengali)
77. Huda, K. M. S. (1991) Rainfall Measurement Methods, Palolik, No. 7 & 8, Jahangirnagar University Geographical Association(JUGA), Geography Dept, Jahangirnagar Univ. Dhaka, pp.30-37.(In Bengali)
78. Huda, K. M. S. and Khan, A. H. (1991) Regional Co-operation in Education, Science And Culture Among The SAARC Countries, SAARC Expedition ‘91, Department of Geography, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, pp. 10-11.
Academic Info
PhD: Department of Geography, University of Durham, UK, 2000-2004.
M.A. in Geographical Information For Development, University of Durham, UK, 1996.
M.Sc. in Geography, 1st class 1st, Jahangirnagar University (J.U.), Bangladesh., 1990.
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Geography, 1st class 2nd, (Minor: Statistics and Geology) Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh,1989.
H.S.C., 1st divission, Dhaka Residential Model College, Bangladesh, 1986.
S.S.C., 1st divission, Dhaka Residential Model College, Bangladesh,1984.
Position: Professor, Member of Executive Committee and National Director
Position: Professor, Member of Executive Committee and National Director
2013-- 2018: National Director, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Foundation, Bangladesh.
2007 - up-to-date: Professor
2000 - 2007: Associate Professor
1996 - 2000: Assistant Professor;
1993 – 1996: Lecturer.
Prof. Dr. Khondaker Mohammod Shariful Huda
Department of Geography & Environment
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: +880-1715407656 and +880-1714087090
Work Phone: +880-2-779045 Ext. 2022
Email: kmshuda@juniv.edu
, kmshuda007@gmail.com, kmshuda007@hotmail.com