Professor Dr. Md. Khalid Quddus Professor, Department of International Relations
Economic Diplomacy, International Trade, Environmental Politics
7. Quddus, Khalid, An Estimation of Net Financial Benefits from Recycling and Reuses of Solid Waste Produced in Savar Municipal Areas, Jahangirnagar University Journal of International Relations, Vol. IV, No. 4, ISSN 2221-5743, pp.pp 51-64,, June 2013.2. Quddus, Khalid,, Expansion and Development of Comilla Town, The Jahangirnagar Review, Part-C Jahangirnagar University, Vol. xxiv, ISSN : 2306-3920, June 2013.
3. Quddus, Khalid, Effects of Wastes on Environment and its Control-A Case Study of Savar Municipality, The Journal of Local Government, National Institute of Local Governemnt, Vol. 39, No. 1, ISSN : 2072-0009, January-June-2013.
4. Quddus, Khalid, Solid Waste Disposal in Savar Municipality Area, Jahangirnagar University Journal of International Relations, Vol. V, No. 5,, ISSN 2221-5743, pp.pp 131-141, June 2014.
5. Quddus, Khalid, Community Mobilization, Awareness Raising and Combined Participation in Waste Management: A Partnership Model,, The Jahangirnagar Review, Part-C Jahangirnagar University, Vol. xxvii, ISSN : 2306-3920, June 2016.
6. Quddus, Khalid and Khan Azam, Rationality And Challenges of Privatization in LDCs, Jahangirnagar University Journal of International Relations, Vol. VII, No. 7, June 2016, ISSN 2221-5743, pp.pp 15-24, June 2016,.
7. Quddus, Khalid, Economic Azlysis of the P3 Model in Waste Management, The Jahangirnagar Review, Part-C Jahangirnagar University, Vol. xxviii, June 2017, ISSN : 2306-3920,
8. Quddus, Khalid and Khan Azam, A Study on Present Status and Future Prospects of Parjaton Industry in Bangladesh, Jahangirnagar University Journal of International Relations, Vol. VIII, No. 8, June 2017, ISSN 2221-5743, pp.pp 49-59,
9. Quddus, Khalid, 2018, Solid Waste Management in Savar Findings of Household Survey, Jahangirnagar University Journal of International Relations, Vol. IX, No. 9, ISSN 2221-5743, pp.pp 5-14, June 2018,.
10. Quddus, Khalid and Roni Basak, 2020, A Case Study of Municipality Waster on Environment and Its Control, The Jahangirnagar Review, Part-C Jahangirnagar University,, Vol. xxxi,, June 2020, ISSN: 2306-3920,
Professor Dr. Md. Khalid Quddus
Department of International Relations
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Work Phone: 02224491045-51 extn 2159
Email: khalid@juniv.edu