Md. jamal Uddin Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences
EIA, EMP, Environmental Geology, Landuse and Development planning
1. Sharmine Akter Simu, Tajuddin Sikder, Mohammed Jamal Uddin, Farah Deeba, Mohammad Abul Kashem, Krishna Prosad Mondal, Mahmuda Akter, Mostafizur Rahman, Subrata Banik, Masaaki Kurasaki, “Monitoring of heavy metal pollution and GIS derived land use changes in the major economic zone of Bangladesh” Sustainable Water Resources Management ISSN 2363-5037, Springer International Publishing AG 2017.
2. S. M. Didar-Ul Islam, Ratan Kumar Majumder, Mohammed Jamal Uddin, Md. Ibrahim Khalil, Md. Ferdous Alam, “Hydrochemical Characteristics and Quality Assessment
of Groundwater in Patuakhali District, Southern Coastal Region of Bangladesh”, Journal of Exposure and Health, Springer, ISSN 2451-9766, Volume 9, Number , 2017. 3. Sharmine Akter Simu, Mohammed Jamal Uddin, Ratan Kumar Majumder, Mohammed Nazim Zaman, Mohammed Aminur Rahman, Mohammad Abul Kashem. “ MultivariateStatistical Analysis of Trace Elements in Soil of Gazipur Industrial Area, Bangladesh” Universal Journal of Environmental Research and Technology, ISSN 2249 0256, www.environmentaljournal.org, Volume 6, Issue 4: 2016.
4. Majumder R.K, Faisal B.M.R, Zaman M.N, Uddin M.J., and Sultana N. ‘Assessment of Heavy Metals Pollution in Bottom Sediments of the Buriganga River, Dhaka, Bangladesh by Multivariate Statistical Analysis’ International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, ISSN 2319-1414, Vol. 4(5), 80-84, May (2015).
5. S. M. Didar-Ul Islam and Mohammed Jamal Uddin, “Impacts, Vulnerability and Coping with Cyclone Hazard in Coastal Region of Bangladesh: A Case Study on Kalapara Upazilaof Patuakhali District”, Journal of Jahangirnagar University Environmental Bulletin, Vol.4, 11-30, 2015.
6. Faisal B.M.R, Ratan Kumar Majumder, Mohammed Jamal Uddin, Mohammed Abdul Halim, “Studies on heavy metals in industrial effluent, river and groundwater of Savar industrial area, Bangladesh by Principal Component Analysis” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMATICS AND GEOSCIENCES ISSN 0976 – 4380, Volume 5, No 1, 2014.
7. B.M.R. Faisal, M. A. Haydar, M. I. Ali, D. Paul, R.K. Majumder and M. J. Uddin, 2014, “Assessment of Natural Radioactivity and Associated Radiation Hazards in Topsoil of SavarIndustrial Area, Dhaka, Bangladesh”, Journal of Nuclear and Particle Physics 4(4): 129-136 DOI: 10.5923/j.jnpp.20140404.03, 2014.
8. M H Sarker, M F Molla, M H Uddin, M.J. Uddin, M R Akhand, S M M Rahman, B M R Faisal, Monitoring Erosion and Accretion Phenomena of Manpura Island Using RS, GIS and GNSS Technology, Jahangirnagar University Environmental Bulletin,ISSN2304-3326,vol.3, 59-68, 2014.
9. M. Aktaruzzaman, M. S. Hossain, A. N. M. Fakhruddin, M. J. Uddin, S. H. Rahman, M. A. Z. Chowdhury, M. K. Alam, Z. Fardous and M. A. Hossain. “Water and bottom sediments quality of brackish water shrimp farms in Kaliganj Upazila, Satkhira, Bangladesh”, Soil & Environment. 32(1): 29-35. (May 2013).
10. Md. Saifur Rahman, Syed Mohammod Hossain, Mohammed Jamal Uddin , Investigation of Vertical Distribution of Soil Elements at Central Part of Bangladesh Using Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA)”, International Journal of Environmental Protection, Vol.3, Iss.2, PP. 5-13. Feb. 2013.
11. Syed Hafizur Rahman, A.N.M. Fakhruddin, Mohammed Jamal Uddin, Md. Shahid Zaman, Asish Talukder, Tanveer Mehedi Adyel and Md. Mizanur Rahman Sarker, ”Water Quality of Shallow Tube Wells as affected by Sanitary Latrines and Groundwater Flow”, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, V.37(2), P. 231-243. 2013,
12. M. S. Hossain, M. J. Uddin and A.N.M. Fakhruddin. “Impacts of shrimp farming on the costal environment of Bangladesh and approach for management: a review work”. Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology. DOI: 10.1007/s11157-013-9311-5. ISSN 1569-1705, Volume 12, Number 3 (2013).
13. M. S. Hossain, M. Aktaruzzaman, A. N. M. Fakhruddin, M. J. Uddin, S. H. Rahman, M. A. Z. Chowdhury and M. K. Alam. Prevalence and Characterization of Multiple Drug Resistance Pathogenic Bacteria in Cultured Black Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus monodonFabricius). Global Journal of Environmental Research, 6 (3): 118-124, 2012, ISSN 1990-925X © IDOSI Publications, 2012.
14. M. S. Hossain, M. Aktaruzzaman, A. N. M. Fakhruddin, M. J. Uddin, S. H. Rahman, M. A. Z. Chowdhury and M. K. Alam. “Antimicrobial susceptibility of Vibrio spp. isolated from brackish water shrimp culture environment”. Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, 36(2): 213 -220 (December 2012)..
15. M.A. Halim, R.K. Majumder, S.A. Nesa, Y. Hiroshiro, M.J. Uddin, J. Shimada, K. Jinno, Hydrochemistry and arsenic contamination of ground water in the Ganges Delta Plain, Bangladesh, Journal of Hazardous Materials 164 (2009) 1335-1345 (ELSEVIER).
16. M. J. Uddin*, M. A. Rahman and R. Roy, Noise Mapping and their Interpretations of Sahbagh area, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Journal of Environmental Research, Vol. 7. P-51-63, 2008.
17. Md. Sanoar Rahman, M.J. Uddin and A.K.M. Khorshed Alam, Landscape evaluation from satellite Image and Bore Log Data Analysis for Urbanization of Savar Upazila, Dhaka, Bangladesh Journal of environmental Research, Vol. 6. 51-63,2008.
18. Md. Jahir Bin Alam, A.K.M.H. Chowdhuary, S.K. Khan, B. Ahmed and M. Jamal uddin, Baseline Study of Water, Waste and health: Relation with Urbanization and sustainable Development, Journal of environmental Science (Dhaka), Vol-4, 53-52, 2006.
19. M.S. Sultana, Y. Muramatsu, M. Majibur Rahaman, A.K.M. Rashidul Alam, A.H.M. Saadat and M. Jamal Uddin, Analysis of Some Trace Elements in the Uncultivated Soils of Savarby ICP-MS Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci., 1, 57-62, 2003.
Md. jamal Uddin
Department of Environmental Sciences
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: +8801826440347
Email: jamaluddinrunu@juniv.edu