Dr. Md. Hasibur Rahman Professor, Department of Microbiology
Selected Publications:
- Anjum, H., Arefin, M. S.., Jahan, N.., Oishee, M. J., Nahar, S.., Islam, S., Banerjee, S., Sinha, S., Kumar, S., Haque, M., & Rahman, M. H. (2023). Roles of intrinsic and acquired resistance determinants in multidrug-resistant clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science, 22(3), 489–507. https://doi.org/10.3329/bjms.v22i3.66960
- Dutta, S., Rahman, M. H., Hossain, K., & Haq, J. (2019). Detection of Candida auris and its antifungal susceptibility: first report from Bangladesh. IMC Journal of Medical Science, 13(2), 1-5.
- Fatema Akter, Md. Ishtiak Rashid, Sourav Biswas, Nazneen Jahan, Zia Uddin Ahmed and M. Hasibur Rahman. Potential of Surface Water Gram-negative Bacterial Flora as a Reservoir of Heterogeneous Plasmid and Multi-drug Resistance Phenomenon. Microbiology Research Journal International, 24(5):1- 11, 2018; Article no. MRJI. 436096, ISSN: 2456-7043, September, 2018
- Akter, T., Mahmud, ZH., Islam, M S., Mahmud, HA., Ahmed, M. A., Rahman, M H., Parvez, MA K., Islam, K., Clemens, JD. and Islam, M. S. (2017), Comparative study of survival of altered and hybrid Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor in association with Anabaena variabilis in fresh and brackish water microcosms. Water and Environment Journal. doi:10.1111/wej.12282
- Jahan N, Mahmud SMJ, Akter F, Islam S, and Rahman MH. Diversity of Plasmid Profile in Multi-drug Resistant Non- E. coli Intestinal Flora Lacking Association with Resistance Phenomenon. British Microbiology Research Journal. 2016. 14(6):1-8
- Mahmud SMJ, Hauque MM, Tuli FT, Jahan N, Hasan TN, Akter F, Akter, Ahmed ZU and Rahman MH. Exploration of normal intestinal microbiota as a suitable alternative to study antibiotic resistance gene pool in diverse enteropathogenic bacteria. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science 2015: Volume 20 & 21(1&2) :62-66
- Rahman MH, Mahmud SMJ, Hauque MM, Tuli FT, Jahan N, Hsan TN and Ahmed ZU . Widespread occurrence of possible antibiotic efflux mechanism in multidrug resistant intestinal E. coli strains isolated from healthy human subjects in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J Microbiol. 2013 : 1&2 :55-59 ( published in 2015 )
- Hossain S.J, Basar MH, Rokeya B, Arif KMT, Sultana MS, and Rahman MH. Evaluation of antioxidant, antidiabetic and antibacterial activities of the fruit of Sonneratia apetala (Buch.-Ham.) Orient Pharm Exp Med. (2013) 13: 95–102
- Basar MH, Hossain S.J, Sadhu SK, and Rahman MH. A comparative study of antioxidant potential of commonly Used antidiabetic plants in Bangladesh. Orient Pharm Exp Med .2013. 13:21–28
- Zahid HM , Zohra FT , Bari SS , Miah M , Chakma K, Nessa A , Parvez MAK, Rahman MH. Bacterial Contamination of the Human Amniotic Membrane and Bone Tissue Allograft. BJMS. 2012. 18 ( 1) :34–38
- Hauque ME, Sattar MA, Khan MK and Rahman MH. Estimation of legume nitrogen fixation grown in northern part of Bangladesh using 15N tracer . Bangladesh J. nuclear Agric.2012 23&24 : 1-15
- Hasan MN, Parvez MA and Rahman MH. Prevalence of Salmonella in chicken eggs obtained from Khulna City Market. Bangladesh Journal of Microbiology .2012, 137-138
- Rahman M M, Hosen M J, Rahman MH, and Azad MAK . Bacteriological quality of fresh shrimps of natural and artificial habitats in Khulna District, Bangladesh . Int. J. Biosci. 2012: 2 :10 (1) :61-65
- Bacteriological quality of drinking water supplies in Khulna city,Bangladesh. Tahera S, Rahman MH, Ara N , Mamun SA and Hasan MN. j. innov.dev.strategy.2012: 3(3):31-34.
- Islam M.Z, Rahman M.H and Hafiz F. Cultivation of Oystar mushroom ( Pleurotus flabellatus) on different substrate. Int. J. Sus. Crop Prod. 2009: 4 : 1: 45-48
- Rahman MH, Biswas K, Hossain MA, Sack RB, and Mekalanos J J and Faruque SM. Distribution of genes for virulence and ecological fitness among diverse V. cholerae population in a cholera endemic area : tracking the evolution of pathogenic strain. DNA and Cell Biology 2008: 27 : 7: 347-355
- Rahman MH, Bhuiyan MIH, Siddiqui NI, and Masud M. Studies on antibacterial activity ofAcacia nilotica. Khulna University Studies. 2006 : 7: 13-18
- Dziejman M, Serruto D, Vincent CT, Sturtevant D, Diraphat P, Faruque SM, Rahman MH, Heidelberg JF, Decker J, Li L, Montgomery KT, Grills G, Kucherlapati R and Mekalanos J J. Genomic characterization of non-O1, non-O139 Vibrio cholerae reveals genes for a type III secration system. Proc.Nat.Aca.Sci., USA 2005:102:9:3465-3470
- Faruque SM, Chowdhury N, Kamruzzaman M., Dziejman M, Rahman MH, Sack D, Nair G B, and Mekalanos J J. Genetic diversity and virulence potential of environmental Vibrio cholerae population in a cholera-endemic area. Proc. Nat. Aca. Sci., USA 2004 : 101 : 7 : 2123-2128
- Parvez MAK , Rahman MH, Ahmed S, Rumi MAK, Hasan KN, Hassan MS and Huq F. Drug susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from Dhaka City of Bangladesh. Bangladesh J Microbiol 2004; 21: 46- 47
- Hassan MA, Tahera Y, Salimullah M, Ahmed S, Rahman MH, Siddique MA, Jinnah F, Huq F. Serodiagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis: Problems and Potentials. The Immunologist 1998; Suppl. 1: 446
- Ali MA, Shamsuzzaman M, Rahman MH and Hoque MM. In vitro determination of minimum inhibitory and bacteriocidal concentration of the extracts of the bark of Psidium guajava against diarrhoea causing bacteria. Bangladesh J.Sci.Indus. Res. 1997: 32: 115-123.
- Ali MA, Shamsuzzaman M , Rahman MH and Hoque MM. Screening of different solvent extract of the bark of Psidium guajava for antibacterial activity. Bangladesh J.Sci.Indus. Res. 1996; XXXI: 159-165.
- Bhuiyan SH, Rahman MH, Haider K. Study of hemagglutinating property of enteroinvasive Escherichia coli from various geographical location. Jpn. J. Med. Sci. Biol. 1995; 48:193-198
- Haider k, Rahman MH, Hossain A. Construction of a plasmidless strain of Shigella dysenteriae type-1 for genetic studies of Shigellae. Bangladesh J Microbiol 1993; 10: 85-93
- Rahman MH, Haider K, Hossain A. Conjugal transfer of large virulence plasmid of enteroinvasive Escherichia coli to a plasmidless starin of Shigella dysenteriae type –1 and Escherichia coli k-12. Bangladesh J Microbiol 1993; 10: 57-63
Conference Presentation :
- . Oishee MJ, Arefin MS; Nurjahan A, Anjum H, Rahman MH. Occurrence of efflux phenomenon for quinolone antibiotic resistance among Escherichia coli & Klebsiella isolates from UTI patients in Savar Gonoshasthaya Hospital, Bangladesh. Abstract Presented at BSBMB-SABC-OMC International Conference 2023; Sectors: Microbial Biotechnology; Feb 4, 2023.
- . Anjum H, Mitu MJ, Oishee MJ, Arefin MS, Rahman MH. Occurrence of Metallo-β-lactamase Mediated Carbapenem Resistance in Clinical Pseudomonas aerugoinosa isolates from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Abstract accepted for presentation at ASM Microbe 2022 ; Sub-track : AAR01 Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance : Molecular Typing/ Clinical and Molecular Epidemiology ; Jun 9-13, 2022.
- . Anjum H, Jahan N, Mitu MJ, Oishee MJ, Arefin MS, Rahman MH. Study on the occurrence of extensively-drug resistance phenomenon in clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa from Savar, Dhaka. Abstract presented at 2nd Annual Primeasia University International E-Conference : Aspects of Microbiology in Healthcare Sectors ; Jan 30, 2022.
Dr. Md. Hasibur Rahman
Department of Microbiology
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Email: hasiburku@juniv.edu