Prof. Bashir Ahmed Professor, Department of Government & Politics
Bashir Ahmed is the Professor of Government and Politics, Jahangirnagar University, actively engaged in teaching and research over the last 20 years. His teaching and research interests include, among others, Governance, Corruption and Parliamentary Effectiveness. Prof. Ahmed is extensively involved in leading few projects on parliamentary studies, impact assessment, anti-corruption commission and capacity building of government institutions. Bashir Ahmed was affiliated to the Centre for Conflict Studies, USA as Visiting Scholar from August-September in 2014. He has number of publications pertaining to Governance, Democracy, Corruption and Development appeared in national and international outlets. He has participated number of seminars in Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Sweden, UK, USA and Germany. Prof. Ahmed is the Dean of the Faculty of Law at Jahangirnagar University. He studied at the University of Lund, Sweden and University of Heidelberg, Germany respectively. His analytical annotation on emerging issues regularly appears in the Financial Express (English dailies of Bangladesh).
Governance, Corruption, Parliament and Democracy nexus Development
List of publications in professional journals at home and abroad
[1] Environmental Management: Revisiting the Legislative and Institutional Capacity of Bangladesh Government, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Law, Faculty of Law, Jahangirnagar University, Volume No-6, 2018.
[2] Economic Diplomacy between Bangladesh and Nepal, Journal of Asian Studies, Department of Government and Politics, Jahangirnagar University, No-37, 2018
[3] Environmental Governance in Bangladesh: Prospects and Challenges, Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, USA, Vol. XIV, Issue. IV, Version-1, 2014
[4] “Community Policing and Union Parishad: Shared Obligation in Restoration of Social Peace”, KILA Journal of Local Governance, Kerala, India , Vol.2, No-1, 2014
[5] “Role of Disaster Management Committee in Post Disaster Response Management: Rural Bangladesh Perspective”, Journal of South Asia Disaster Studies, SAARC DMC, India, Vol. 6, 2012 (published in July 2014)
[6] “ Disaster induced Migration and Social Conflict in Bangladesh: Study on Cyclone Sidr”, International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies, India, Vol 1,No.4 2014
[7]“Democratization at Local Government (LG): Revisiting the Lowest Tier of LG in Bangladesh”, International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies, India, Vol. 1,No.2, 2014
[8] “Role of Union Parishad in Rural Dispute Resolution: an Evaluation in the Light of People’s Perception”, Journal of Studies on Asia, Illinois State University, USA, Series-IV, Vol-3, No-1, March 2013
[9] “Essence of Electronic voting for Credible Election in Bangladesh: an Inquiry in the Light of Civic Opinion”, Journal of Asian Studies, Department of Government and Politics, Jahangirnagar University, No-32, 2013
[10] “Democratization of Political Parties for Sustainable Democracy in Bangladesh: An Inquiry”, journal of Asian Studies, Department of Government and Politics, Jahangirnagar University, No-31, 2012
[11] “Migration to Megacities: Causes, Context and Enduring Policy Options for Bangladesh”, in Asian Studies, No 30,June 2011
[12] “Role of Union Parishad in Human Security with Particular Focus on Environmental Security: Rural Bangladesh perspectives”, in Asian Studies, No 30,June 2011
[13] “Democratization of Political Parties for Sustainable Development Bangladesh” in Asian Studies, No 31,June 2012
[14] “Water Politics-Whether Intricacies’ or Silver lining Trends in Indo-Bangladesh Relations” in Jahangirnagar Review, Part II, Social Science Vol.XXXIII 2009
[15] Baseline Study on Water ,Waste and Health :Relation With Urbanization and Sustainable Development in Journal Of Environmental Science, JU, Vol 4.June 2006
[16] “Interest Group Politics in Bangladesh : A Study on FBCCI,” Published in Social Science Review, Vol. 25-26, 2000-2001, Faculty of Social Sciences, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh.
[17] “Emerging Sino-Myanmar Relations: Implication for South Asia” Published in Asian Studies, Vol. 21, 2002, Department of Government and Politics, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh.
[18] ”Women Development and Religious Extremism in Bangladesh” in Asian Studies, journal of the Department of Government and Politics, Vol 22-23,2004 ,Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
[19] “China-Bangladesh Relations: An Evaluation” in PARIBARTA, (Departmental Journal, Published by the MSS Student of Government & Politics, Jahangirnagar University), Vol. 2, May 1996.
[20] “The Role of Civil Society in Establishing Institutionalized Democracy of Bangladesh: An Overview”. Published in the Journal of Anthropology Analysis, Vol. 3. September 2000, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh
[21] “Student Politics: Search for Alternative vision”, Published in Asian Studies, Journal of the Dept. of Government and Politics, JU. No- 19, June 2000.
[22] “Pathways towards the Unification of Korean Peninsula: Prospects and Realities”, Published in Asian Studies, Journal of the Dept. of Government and Politics, JU, No-20, June 2001
[23]“Women in NGO Target Groups” Published in Al-Masud Hasanuzzaman (ed.) The Women of Bangladesh, Present Conditions and Development Aspect (University Press Limited, Dhaka, 2002).
Women in NGO Target Groups,Chapter Contributor to Al-Masud Hasanuzzaman (ed.) The Women of Bangladesh, Present Conditions and Development Aspect (University Press Limited, Dhaka, 2002).
Chapter contribution to the edited book on Human Security, Peace and Development: South Asian Perspective,Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
T&R Fellowship, 2006-2010.Awarded by the Heidelberg University, Germany
Swedish Institute Scholarship, 2004-2006.Awarded by the Swedish Government, Sweden
University Research Grant, 2021.Funded by the Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
University Research Grant, 2020.Funded by the Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
UGC Research Grant, 2019.Funded by the University Grants Commission (UGC), Bangladesh
University Research Grant, 2019.Funded by the Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
UGC Research Grant, 2018.Funded by the University Grants Commission (UGC), Bangladesh
UGC Research Grant, 2017.Funded by the University Grants Commission (UGC), Bangladesh
UGC Research Grant, 2016.Funded by the University Grants Commission (UGC), Bangladesh
UGC Research Grant, 2015.Funded by the University Grants Commission (UGC), Bangladesh
Graduate Merit Scholarship, 1996.Awarded by the Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
Undergraduate Merit Scholarship, 1994.Awarded by the Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
- MA Thesis on Combating Corruption and Role of BAC: An Institutional Dynamics Supervised by Flora Sapio, University of Lund, Sweden
- Conducting lecture series on Corruption and Society in Bangladesh funded by Transparency International, Bangladesh (TIB, 2012).
- Bureaucratic Control in Upazila Parishad, A local level Study funded By Jahangirnagar University in the Faculty of Social Sciences, Completed 2012
- Disaster Risk Reduction: A Policy Framework in Bangladesh, Completed by the Financial Assistance of Jahangirnagar University in 2012
- As a part of the parliamentary effectiveness studies, Mr. Ahmed reviewed a number of projects on Public Accounts Committee(PAC), Committee on Estimates (CE) and Committee on Public Undertakings(CPU) in collaboration with UNDP and TIB from 2011-2012
- Interest Group Politics in Bangladesh: A Study on FBCCI, (Funded by Jahangirnagar University, completed by June 2001)
- Emerging Sino-Myanmar Relations: Implications for South Asia (Funded by Jahangirnagar University, June 2002)
- The Involvement of Retired Military Officers in National Development of Bangladesh (Jointly Supervised by Major General Syed M. Ibrahim (BP), Executive Director Center for Strategic and Peace Studies (CSPS), Dhaka, to be continued).
- Religious Extremism and Gender Development in Bangladesh. (Funded by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh, in 2002)
- Border Problems over Bangladesh and India: A case study of North-East and North-West Border of Bangladesh (Funded by Jahangirnagar University, 2002-2003)
- “Bangladesh: 2000 Searching for better Governance” in Asian Survey, Vol. XLI No. 1. January - February 2001, University of California Press, Berkley. USA. (Jointly worked with Professor M. Rashiduzzaman, Rowan University, USA).
- “Bangladesh: 2001” published in Asian Survey, Vol. XLII No. 1. January - February 2002, University of California Press, Berkley. USA. (Jointly worked with Professor M. Rashiduzzaman, Rowan University, USA).
Professional Training and Workshop
I have been taking part in various Seminar, Symposium and Training Workshops in home and abroad for enhancing my academic pursuit from very beginning of my career. Such important events are as follows:
- Presented paper on “Role of Union Parisahd in Rural Dispute Resolution in Bangladesh” at International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference August 21-23, 2014, Orlando, Florida, USA
- Presented paper on “Migration to Mega- City, Context, Consequence and Solution from the 3rd World Perspectives” held in Hamburg,2008
- Presented an article on “Globalization and Food Security in Developing Countries” held in Hamburg, Germany, March 2007
- Presented paper on “Gender Development and Fundamentalism in Bangladesh” in First Nordic Gendering Asia Conference held in Kungälv, Sweden, May 19-20,2005
- Presented a paper and taking discussion on “Women Development and Religious Extremism in Bangladesh” in international conference on Women and Politics in Asia, in Halmstad University, Sweden, June 5-6,2003
- Residential Training Workshop on “Security of the Marginalized Women” Organized by “FOWSIA”, sponsored by Bangladesh Freedom Foundation in Dhaka, December 26-30, 2002.
- Training workshop on “Political Strategy” Organized by the Friedrich Neomann Foundation, Germany, in Nepal, May 2002
- Training Workshop on “Social Science Research and Migration” Organized by Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU) at BIAM, Dhaka, March 2002
- Training Workshop on “Social Science Research and Migration” Organized by Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU) at BIAM, Dhaka, March 2002
- Training Workshop on “Social Science Research and Migration” Organized by Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU) at BIAM, Dhaka, March 2002
- Training Workshop on, “Conflict Management and Peace-Building”, jointly organized by BIISS and, Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’, in Dhaka, August 2001
- Winter Workshop on “Sources of Conflict in South Asia: Ethnicity, Governance and Environment” Organized by Regional Center for Strategic Studies, (RCSS) in Sri Lanka, March - April, 2000.
- Young Scholar Seminar on “Student Politics: Search for Alternative Vision” Organized by Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS), Dhaka, in 1999.
E-Governance for Public Service Delivery: Challenges and Opportunities,UGC funded research grants
Party funding: Issues of Transparency-Study on Major Political Parties in Bangladesh,University funded research grants, Jahangirnagar Unviersity
Multi Level Governance in Bangladesh: Issues of Climate Change Governance,UGC funded research project
Citizen Participation in Rural Development Process: Understanding the role of Local Government Committee System,University funded research project, Jahangirnagar University
Social Security in Rural Bangladesh: Evaluating the role of Local Government,UGC funded Faculty Research Project
Clarifying the essence of ombudsman,The Financial Express, Bangladesh
Pushing up the governance curve,The Financial Express, Bangladesh
Academic Info
PhD (dissertation awaiting for submission)
Period: 2006
MA in South Asian Studies
Position: Professor in Government and Politics
Period: February 2017 to the date
Position: Associate Professor in Government and Politics
Period: May 2012-January 2017
Position: Assistant Professor in Government and Politics
Period: February 2003- May 2012
Position: Lecturer
Period: September 1997-February 2003
Position: Visiting Research Fellow
Period: 2014
Position: Visiting Lecturer in the Department of Political Science
Period: 2006-2009
Position: Dean (acting)
Period: March 2018 to the date
Position: Guest Faculty and Research Guide for SSC and ACAD Course
Period: May 2019 to the date
Position: TSC Director
Period: 2016 to the date
Position: Head of the Department (Chairman)
Period: September 2014-September 2017
Prof. Bashir Ahmed
Department of Government & Politics
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: +8801746878697
Work Phone: +8801746878697
Email: bashir@juniv.edu
, bashirju@gmail.com