Dr. Mohammad Nayeem Aziz Ansari Professor, Department of Geography & Environment
Dr. Mohammad Nayeem Aziz Ansari is a Professor of Geography at Jahangirnagar University, has been in university teaching and research more than two decades. He obtained MS degree, major in Planning, from Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden, in collaboration with Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark with NORDIC funding. Professor Ansari received his PhD in Human Geography under the Commonwealth Scholarship in the UK from the Department of Geography at Durham University, England. His PhD research project focused on seasonal hunger and food security in the norther Bangladesh. Professor Ansari also received substantial professional training both home and abroad on social research and survey tools which includes both qualitative and quantitative approaches, participatory methodology and GIS.
Professor Ansari’s core research interest focuses on Food and Livelihood Security, health and Community Wellbeing, Geography of Development and Research Methodology. His research examines the interactions among society, technology and development, and their implications for sustainable development in the Global South. Dr. Ansari investigates the role of sustainable development in both exacerbating and alleviating the tensions between livelihoods and development of underdevelopment relate to questions of humanism, post humanism, politics and culture, drawing heavily from postcolonial and post modernism theory. He carried out a number of funding research projects using applied development approaches and models to promote sustainable services and resources for the community and society as a whole. His capacity building skills and experiences are also obtained at cross-institutional level. His research is highly practice-oriented; he has been cooperating with a number of local and international NGOs in Bangladesh and government bodies through professional training and consultancy. He is a reviewer of different national and International peer-reviewed Journals. At present he is the Editor of the Journal of Bangladesh National Geographical Association. He is a Life Member of Bangladesh National Geography Association (BNGA), member of BGS, Member of International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS), Japan. He has been serving as an Award Leader of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Programme, Jahangirnagar University.
Food and Livelihood Security, Health and Community Wellbeing, Geography of Development, Qualitative Research and PGIS.
Academic Info
PhD in Human Geography, Department of Geography, University of Durham, England.
MS in Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, Department of Landscape Management, Design and Construction, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden (in collaboration with University of Copenhagen, Denmark).
MSc (by Thesis) in Geography and Environment, Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh.
BSc (Hons) in Geography, Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh.
Research Involvement through Consultancy (selected from last 5 Years)
2022: Co-consultant: Inclusive livelihood opportunity for Covid-19 affected households in three districts of Bangladesh project” End line Evaluation, Muslim Aid, UK, Bangladesh Country Office.
2022: Co-consultant: Exploring the Situation towards Integrated Waste Management System in Project Intervention Areas: Baseline, Validation and Capacity, Practical Action Bangladesh
2021: Lead Consultant, COVID Equity Survey Research, the Fred Hollows Foundation, Bangladesh.
2021: Co-consultant, Capacity Need Assessment of Kalapara Municipality, Practical Action Bangladesh.
2020: Lead Consultant, Survey on the Impact of COVID-19 in the lives of the Indigenous Peoples of Greater Mymensingh under the project titled “Advancement of Land Rights of the Indigenous Communities (ALOC-II)”, Caritas Bangladesh.
2020: Lead Consultant, End line Survey and Evaluation of Ensured Access to Sustainable WASH and Nutritious Foods through Multi-stakeholder Involvement and Small Farming: The WASH Project, Caritas Bangladesh and Caritas Switzerland.
2020: Lead Consultant, End term Survey and evaluation of the project Empowering Female Garment Workers through Uptake of Eye Care Services. The Fred Hollows Foundation, Bangladesh.
2020: Lead Consultant, Impact Survey of Blue School Sub-Project: Ensuring Access to Sustainable WASH in 75 Schools through Multi-Stakeholders Involvement, Caritas Switzerland.
2020: Lead Consultant, Baseline Survey for a multi year’s project: Access to clean water and sanitation in Bangladesh –JTI WASH initiative, Habitat for Humanity International- Bangladesh.
2020: Lead Consultant: WASH for Health Sector Policy and Stakeholders’ Study, Baseline Survey and Keynotes Development for Urban Sanitation Programme (CWISE and WASH SDG projects), SNV- The Netherlands Development organization, Bangladesh.
2020: Lead Consultant, Baseline Survey of the Project Community Driven Disability inclusive Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation (CDDiDRM & CCA) Center for Disability and Development (CDD), supported by CBM.
2020: Lead Consultant, Development of Disability Inclusive Eye Health Guideline, Sightsavers Bangladesh.
2019: Lead Consultant, Feasibility Study for a Slum Fire Micro-Insurance Scheme in Dhaka, Bangladesh, WORLD VISION Bangladesh.
2019: Co-Consultant, End line Evaluation of the Empowering the vulnerable in six urban slums By building resilience to everyday and disaster risks -Urban DRR project, CARITAS Switzerland, CARITAS Bangladesh and Habitat of Humanity Bangladesh.
2019: Lead Consultant, Market research for Housing Microfinance Product Development/refinement (including improving current marketing, promotion and outreach activities) in Bangladesh on behalf of one of its financial institution clients (a microfinance institution operating in Eastern Bangladesh) Habitat for Humanity International’s Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter (TCIS), Philippines and Rural Reconstruction Foundation, Bangladesh.
2018: Lead Consultant, End Evaluation of Building Resilient Urban Slum Settlements in Dhaka, Bangladesh, A Multi –sectorial Approach to Capacity Building-Phase III Project, Habitat for Humanity International- Bangladesh.
Dr. Mohammad Nayeem Aziz Ansari
Department of Geography & Environment
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Email: ansari@juniv.edu